Mystic Software Forums

Mystic Software - Hosted Sites => Dark Age Games => Topic started by: Xorlak on June 23, 2007, 10:59:05 AM

Title: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 23, 2007, 10:59:05 AM
Welcome to Dark Age Legends, chapter 14 sign ups! Chapter 14 will pick up where chapter 13 left off, but due to the break in the action, this is an excellent point to jump in if you haven't already. If you haven't been following the story the entire way through, don't worry. You are not expected to read the entire RP-- just the rules below. However, if you never played in a forum RP before (particularly this one) you may want to read a random page or two in the middle to get a sense of how everything works.


DALpedia (http:// is the primary source of all DAL related information, including archives (http://


Dark Age Legends Rules (http://

All players must read and understand the rules.  Continuing Chapter 13 players can just give them a brief skim, as there's only one change.

As per usual, update/create your character's bio page in DALpedia, then post a link to it here.  New players post here first, so we can approve your characters.

Chapter 14 begins in a week or so!

My characters:

Dark Empire

Kingdom of Tjed

(Loose Cannon)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 23, 2007, 11:11:57 AM
Dear lord, you changed your profile picture!

My characters:

Good Guys

Bad Guys

Hmm, if everyone signs up before a week, can we start the actual RP earlier?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 23, 2007, 11:32:12 AM
Indeed, I have to agree with DM on this one. The wait has been long...
Plus, me and Xorlak have plans :p Hmm, hey Xorlak, to hurry things up, why don't I just send you my texts, and you integrate them into your intro post?

I'll be using -
*Kerig (http://
*Weloss (http://
*Indher/Lerfina/Fernis (http://
*Zakon (http://
*Iskatyl (http://

Perhaps I'll be using Vrach (http:// in a more serious manner, however I'm yet unsure if it's already time for that. Mayhap I shall also bring back someone else, long forgotten...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 23, 2007, 03:00:40 PM
Oh, blast.  The plans... (Heh...)

Nah, just post them normally.  The intro's going to be long enough without merging authors.

Anything mid-week isn't good for my current schedule.  (Tuesdays-Thursdays have been a struggle to even post on DAL for the past few months.  I've even skipped a few, I'm sure you've noticed.)  So the chapter will likely start on Friday or Saturday.  I still need to type up a nice longer-than-normal chapter intro and write a wiki article for a certain NPC that needs to be character.  Lots of my character pages need to be updated, and I'd like to draw a new picture or two, but we'll see how things go.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 23, 2007, 03:11:30 PM
Okay, I understand.

This chapter I'm planning on changing up a few characters, I am thinking of making at least Lagart a character. :/
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on June 23, 2007, 04:08:41 PM
I was waiting for this.  Very Happy

Good Guys

Bad Guys
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 23, 2007, 04:33:52 PM
YES!!! Back  in the game... Well, just a week to go.

My characters are:

Justin (http://
Jacobie (http://
Dori (http://
Tibbs (http://
Ben (http://

Draconis (http://
Valimore (http://
Belrok (http://

Jackie (http://
Jelka (http://
Aaron (http://

Just thought I'd seperate them, because everybody else did. Smile
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 23, 2007, 06:08:35 PM
My god Drannic, you have so many characters.Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 23, 2007, 09:22:15 PM
Heh... Indeed I do. I plan to use them all, and I'm not changing any of them. Infact, I might make more! Meh heh heh! Yeah, skip that Idea, I've already got enough.

Thanks for noticing, though. I've got 11 characters to be exact. Still, the story needs them to function...

Well, at least my story need's 'em.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 23, 2007, 11:37:28 PM
Haa haa, I wouldn't be talking, DM. You have eight which is almost as bad.

-Kronos (http://
-Hannibal (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 24, 2007, 10:04:27 AM
Well there was a time when Xorlak had more than me, but not that he killed off Jayce and I brought back Rufo, I have more than him.

11 characters is a lot, but it's not bad. I think 15 would be really out of hand. Especially if they were all uber powerful and traveled together at all times.

I think that's why Xorlak originally had character number restrictions, and it was like four character max. That was pretty lame, now that I think about it Razz.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 24, 2007, 02:00:05 PM
And then there was the crazy level thing.  Where all your characters' combined levels could not go over 4 or 5.  So you could only have one level 3 and one level 1, or one level 2 and two level 1's, etc.  Madness.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 24, 2007, 03:36:45 PM
*creates 15 characters*

Foxy picture, Xorlak.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 24, 2007, 09:12:54 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
And then there was the crazy level thing.  Where all your characters' combined levels could not go over 4 or 5.  So you could only have one level 3 and one level 1, or one level 2 and two level 1's, etc.  Madness.

Indeed total chaos. Our anarchy on character numbers is much more organized now.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on June 25, 2007, 01:27:12 PM
OI! I'd like to get in on this again but I must ask how much time must I be expected to check in.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 25, 2007, 04:23:49 PM
At least more often than once a week is nice. I usually post once or twice a day, but that's just because I have a lot of time on my hands. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on June 25, 2007, 04:25:48 PM
I stay online for at least 2 hours.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 25, 2007, 10:28:01 PM
More than enough to get a decent post down.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on June 26, 2007, 12:21:19 PM
I'm late. But I'm here. This isn't a bad place to jump in anyways.

Hold on and I'll get ready.

EDIT: I'm set. I'll only be using villains for now. My other four will be back, but not for some time. And as a slight spoiler, when they come back, Eternity and Zero Weapons will be back too. Everyone else is too damb strong. Razz

- Drake Genais (http://
- Zerobi no Anti (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 26, 2007, 01:32:42 PM
Awsome. I added Astral Demon to the demon types page (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on June 26, 2007, 01:36:32 PM
Alright. I'd like to join then. I'd like to use my old character from last year or so. I said he would return one day and he will.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 26, 2007, 04:38:23 PM
So many demons, so little time...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on June 26, 2007, 08:13:23 PM
Thanks, Dude Man. I don't mean to sound like an arse, though, 'cos that's not what an Astral Demon is. Astral Demons come from the Astral Plane, hence their name. But as such, a name like that may be redundant. The Astral Plane is where spirits live, and that often means dead people, so it and hell may be the same kinda thing.

Zerobi no Anti is just a giant mass of astral energy. Then again, so is every Bijuu of Naruto. It may be more constructive to lump him into that class. In Kyuubi's case, he normally starts taking over Naruto when he gets pissed off. I did base the Zerobi on the Kyuubi.

So, shall I change the definition of Astral Demon, or just list his race as Bijuu?

EDIT: Oops. Thanked the wrong guy for a moment.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 26, 2007, 08:18:46 PM
Trent!  Yes!!  And he promises giant robots!

I don't think the definition needs changing.  We throw demons around pretty loosely.

TKGB: I generally try to post once a day, but you can pull of less depending on who your characters interact with, and if the other people mind waiting.  Please post a link to your character in DALpedia.  Welcome back!

I'll be adding another demon soon.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 26, 2007, 10:34:37 PM
Trent: Sorry about the mistake, I just took the first line of your description you had for the guy and put the gist of it as the description for the Astral Demon.

I just made the 'types of demons' thing to keep a consistent flow with DAL, but considering that Anti is the only 'Astral Demon' it doesn't matter if you want to change and/or fix anything.

But excuse my OCD, but make sure the description is brief and doesn't take up two lines so it fits with the other descriptions OR I could write more detail descriptions for all types.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on June 27, 2007, 12:08:13 AM
Hee hee. Thanks for making me feel missed, Xorlak.

Don't worry about it, DM. I'll list the Zerobi as a Bijuu, and create an appropriate definition on the demons page.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on June 27, 2007, 06:40:27 AM
I'm new here, and signed up especialy for this RPG ^^
A good friend of mine told me she enjoyed it here so I though I may join as well.
But she doesn't want me to know her name Razz
Well here follow my 3 chars..

Name: Shuichi Nagayoshi
Gender: Male
Race: Human like. Posses Weird blood.
Specialization(s): Swordsmanship; Using Katana, Style name: Chimitsu Sokuryokudo. Singing. Sculpting things from clay. Drawing. Summon spells from his abilities. And basic Fire Chaos magic.
Age: 26
Job: He helped in an Alchemist shop, but he went out on a journey; None at the moment
Weapon(s): He bears two swords;
-  Noir;  An long and light katana. It fits perfectly to his sword style Chimitsu Sokuryokudo. It's a has a bleu handle, and the blade looks also mild blue. At the end of the handle there is a dragon head. When he's activating it, it disappears from the handle, and changes into a real dragon.
At the end of the blade, there is a light feather. This helps him using his abilities. He can summon creatures or objects formed from very light blue light, and make them explode, implode and attack. It cost allot of energy however. The more life it has, the more energy.
(A giant wolf = Lot's of live. A big stone = small amount of life.)

-  Aozora. This isn't a real "Weapon". It's a Chinese Dragon, that is summoned from his handle. Unlike his other summons, this dragon has an fully own will, and is not in control of Shuichi. He's the inner soul representation of Shuichis unique summoning abbilities, and appears only when Shuichis life is in danger, or an other life is and Shui can't save it.

Alliance: If he would find any alive members of his clan, then he would have an "alliance" with them.

Description: He's not very tall, wears sometimes a self-made mask. The mask has only eyes. The mask is black, and around his red eye, the 1/5th is red. He wears black Japanese clothes with a white jacket over that.
Light blue blond hair. Green eyes.
Bio: He was with an old man who he called "father" until his 15 birthday for a long time. When he turned 15 the man told him he was found in the forest when he was 3 years old. He was then unconscious, and when he woke up he didn’t remember anything about his past.
He had unique clothes, a long black robe with a special sign on the back. The old man didn't know what sign it was, but it looked like he was part of a old clan. Soon after that he also felt weird power from Shui. The sword was also lying close to the child. The old man had a Alchemy shop, he was an experienced man, but he could not tell Shui what that weird power of him was. After reading all of the books the man had, and helping him in the shop, Shui decided at the age of 24 that he would leave his home, in search of knowledge about himself and his powers. He never returned to the Alchemy shop after that. (he couldn't find it)
On his journey he had allot of problems with his powers. Many people wanted to claim his abilities, other were scared. But yet he had a kind personality, and wasn't weak, so he survived until now. His battle abilities were more concentrated on speed an accuracy than on pure power, because of his light body building.

Name; Ray
Gender; Famale
Race; Human
Specialization(s): Curse magic. ("bindings” Illusions" Etc.) Shooting at distant.
A wand. It has a scythe like blade on the end. She can let it appear out of her amulet. She almost never uses it, except for huge and long term spells. Like summoning gaint fire cat.
Crossbow; She masters firing missiles from a long distance. If she curses them, they may explode poison etc. She has some in reserve always.
Gun. More like a cannon. It fires all kind of stuff. It's usually not to harm the enemy, but to make something come close to him. (poison bomb, Cursed amulet.)
All sort of magic weapons and amulets.
A short sword on her back. She uses it when a spell requires a blood offer. A sword can be useful in various ways.
Job: None.
Alliance: She has a few friends in an assassin clan called; Twin tailed scorpion

She has black hair.

Bio: When she was a small child, she got banned from her village because she was accused of using magic. The villagers hated magic there, and she used it allot, even if she wasn't aware of it. Soon she found herself near an assassin camp. How she got there was a miracle, the camp was searched for a long time by many people in search of vengeance. But she could find it, and people living there accepted her thinking she was brough there by fate.

She soon found out about her magic abilities, when reading some stolen books from the local library. Training her powers with some other people with magic abilities, she soon became one of the most powerful people in the clan. She left since she didn’t enjoy it there.
She wanders around now, searching for joy and love, and perhaps unconscious for adventure. Since she hated to be bored.

Name; Reigratto
Gender; Male
Race; Demon race. He called it Sagnosis.
Specialization(s): Changing his body hardness. Letting his lower arms change into blades.
He can also control everything that touches him because it will be in an illusion. He can also make things destroy themselves, as long they touch him, and don't live.
Weapon(s); He got two blades in his arms, one in each. He can make them grow. The blades are very weak, but because he can make his skin as sharp as metal, that makes the blades good again.
Description: http://
Red hair.
Job; Sometimes get paid for destroying things.
Somewhere in the sea, a clan of alchemist made an underwater base. There they made various experiments. One day they "discovered" a new way of magic.. They should wait and analize it, but they needed power very quick. They heard that an enemy clan found their base and was ready to attack it.
They mixed many things, and said spells they didn't understand. Playing with magic you don't understand brings great risk. And it happened. They didn't know what they wanted to create, they just blindly searched for power, and then a huge flash.. A giant explosion..
The whole clan base was ripped of the world, where and why nobody knew. A strong magic aura was created around the place the clan base once stood. One soul was very unlucky, and couldn't pass it. All magic sealed around him, and gave him a demon-like body. This magic is flowing now through his blood. But even he himself doesn't understand how it works..
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 27, 2007, 12:31:21 PM
Welcome to DAL Mikado. Those are some very good characters. I guess I can give you the ok to put up a DALPedia page.

Make sure you look around at the other pages, so you know what yours generally should look like. If you need any help, there is the help section, or you could get help from me. I've got a lot of time on my hands. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 27, 2007, 12:36:12 PM
DM turned god mode on again. iddqd

Very neat characters, awesome drawings! Did you draw that yourself?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 27, 2007, 12:50:45 PM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
DM turned god mode on again. iddqd

No, iddqd is degreelessness mode. Get it right n00b!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on June 27, 2007, 12:55:31 PM
Yes I did draw them myself!
I want to become a drawer later for cash. But those are just half-hour scetches.

I realy don't know how to submit things on wiki systems.. Is there like a login needed?
I hope I didn't use already existing chars. I didn't look at other chars for purpose untill now.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on June 27, 2007, 01:30:45 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Please post a link to your character in DALpedia.

Sure. ... centennial

He's been hiding all this time but now he'll return. For what purpose though?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on June 27, 2007, 02:07:23 PM
# Reigratto (http://
# Shuichi (http://
# Ray (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 27, 2007, 02:51:18 PM
Quote from: "Mikado"
# http]
# [url=Shuichi]http]
# [url=Ray]http]

It's the other way around.
Code: [Select]
[url=]Ray[/url]Like this.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 27, 2007, 02:57:18 PM
DM: My god, what a dweeb... Razz Now, be a good mod and edit Mikado's post to make the links appear properly.

TKGB: He's been masterminding some evilgood scheme to lay waste toenrich the entire world? Nevertheless, it doesn't really matter. What's important is that you find an aim for your character once the RP actually starts.

Mikado: No, your characters are original enough. You have not copied anyone else's character.

*cough* well, in a manner of speaking, anyways.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 27, 2007, 04:10:50 PM
Good work Mikado. Just next time when you're adding to the list, make sure you put them in alphabetical order. Thanks.

Quote from: "Mikado"
I hope I didn't use already existing chars. I didn't look at other chars for purpose until now.

Yeah it can be a bit tedious to read all of the pages. A good thing to do is when you're playing the RP and one of your characters encounter's another person's then check their DALPedia page. It's a good way to avoid any conflicts.

Also, make sure you don't have one of your characters say another person's name before they even introduce themselves. That can be pretty confusing to the story. Heheh…
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 27, 2007, 05:42:48 PM
Welcome aboard, Mikado!  Looking good!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 27, 2007, 06:57:17 PM

Jenia made a Megaman style sprite of Retan and I helped, by making him bulkier and gave him a cape. What do you think Xor-Guy?

EDIT: Okay, Lagart (http:// is now a character and Rufokanno is now just an NPC. I noticed that I have more of a role for Lagart then I do for Rufo.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on June 28, 2007, 01:29:18 AM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
Quote from: "D. Ein"
DM turned god mode on again. iddqd

No, iddqd is degreelessness mode. Get it right n00b!

If you use that code in Heretic, it kills you. And idkfa turns you into a chicken. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 28, 2007, 10:29:12 AM
NO idkfa in Heretic makes you loose all your weapons. Cockadoodledoo turns you into a chicken, DUH!
Man, I'm such a geek.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 28, 2007, 10:52:00 AM
Well, it's the weekend for all I can tell. Xorlak, will you start tommorow, or wait for saturday?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 28, 2007, 04:16:18 PM
Okay, I updated Lagart's page (http:// with chapter bios and a sketch. The pose he is in may seem familiar.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 28, 2007, 08:12:36 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"

Jenia made a Megaman style sprite of Retan and I helped, by making him bulkier and gave him a cape. What do you think Xor-Guy?

Yes!  That is awesome.

Saturday... the madness resumes Saturday...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 29, 2007, 12:49:29 AM
Wow... I haven't chacked back here in around a day or two. Looks like I missed a bit. Well, I hope we can really kick off this role play. The tension is really building up! I'm thinking of making a new character, but I'm not too sure... Maybe I'll just give him the NPC roll for now. You all will see in due time. MEH!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 29, 2007, 02:15:16 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Quote from: "Dude Man"

Jenia made a Megaman style sprite of Retan and I helped, by making him bulkier and gave him a cape. What do you think Xor-Guy?

Yes!  That is awesome.

Glad you liked it. But all I did was attack a Megaman head to Bass body and color it all black. Well yeah, some of the helm (especialy the horns) are 100% custom, but yeah.

Give me 20 days to make one for Draven  Cool

Quote from: "Xorlak"
Saturday... the madness resumes Saturday...

No, Xorlak. This is no longer madness. It has gone beyond that. One might even call it ingenius...

I'm not that one though :p
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 29, 2007, 02:47:40 PM
Actually, DM already made a set of sprites for Draven. You should ask him to show the set, they're pretty good.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on June 29, 2007, 05:40:21 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Saturday... the madness resumes Saturday...





An absolutely old joke.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 29, 2007, 06:30:40 PM
Well, I got bored so I did another sketch. teh clickz (http://

Drannic: Yeah, but Jenia wants to make a Megaman style sprite of Draven as well as all the others, just for fun. Let him. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 29, 2007, 06:38:44 PM
OMG, she looks like a knight-clown. Her face scares me.

Mikado, get rid of that colorful sig. You are not allowed to have pretty signatures on boards such as this.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on June 29, 2007, 07:39:31 PM
...are you implying, Jenia, that my signature is not pretty? I made it myself!

That's alright. I respect your opinion.

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 29, 2007, 08:22:05 PM
Quote from: "Jenia"
No, Xorlak. This is no longer madness. It has gone beyond that. One might even call it ingenius...

Genius and madness are often one and the same.  (Heh...)

DM:  Awesomeness.

And now...

Melface!! (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 29, 2007, 09:26:53 PM
Just one more day!!! The suspense is killin' me!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 29, 2007, 10:05:20 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
And now...

Melface!! (http://

YES! I was hoping you were going to do that. I guess that makes 2 upgraded NPC to Characters this chapter.
And the first ever downgrade from character to NPC, done by me...

That's a cool picture. Do you hand draw, then Photoshop those pictures, or do you just draw them on he comp?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: ElderScrollinIt on June 30, 2007, 12:07:20 AM
Oh crap! I almost forgot to sign up for this chapter! Wel, might as well do it now.
My characters:

Elroy Gemzly (http://

Emond Gemzly (http://

Let's start up asap! Smile
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 30, 2007, 05:08:15 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
...are you implying, Jenia, that my signature is not pretty? I made it myself!

Of course your signature is not pretty! It is totally gray and colorless!
This does not, however, prevent it from being a beautiful work of art.

Remember, prettyness and beauty are very different...

You can't call the CDAA pretty, can you? Beautiful is another story...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 30, 2007, 09:13:56 AM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
That's a cool picture. Do you hand draw, then Photoshop those pictures, or do you just draw them on he comp?

Thanks.  I bought a drawing tablet a while back, and I've been practicing with it for the past several months.  Basically I draw a "sketch" in Photoshop, then import the image into Flash 8.  Flash does really nice black lines because its vector based.  I'll trace the sketch in black to give it a nice cartoony look, then send it back to Photoshop for the coloring and shading.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 30, 2007, 11:03:23 AM
"I do say, Beazlebubudel, that that was a very provocative and informative essay indeed!"

Xorlak, have I ever told you how much you rule? I was laughing to tears all the way through that part of your post.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on June 30, 2007, 11:44:27 AM
I do believe we can safely assume everyone's first post happened BEFORE the last part of mine?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on June 30, 2007, 11:59:54 AM
Hmm, I've been looking on the Recent Changes page on DALPedia, and I've noticed a few people are making new pages which are either spelling corrections of other pages or re titles of old ones.

Instead of doing that you could use the Move page thing...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on June 30, 2007, 05:35:09 PM
Quote from: "Dark Spartan"
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Saturday... the madness resumes Saturday...





An absolutely old joke.

Not old enough. *Kicks you in the chest. You fall into a bottomless pit.*
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on June 30, 2007, 05:49:14 PM
My Guys are;

Druid (http://
Coriko (http://

This chapter is going to be an establichign one for Druid's new storyline. I was talking to DM about it and its gunna be huge... i hope lol
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on June 30, 2007, 09:06:23 PM
It was Aaron's wife with his one year old son in her arms. She was a Velken, which wasn't surprising, considering that was the main race of Dranniville.

Drannic:  Just an FYI, Velkens aren't native to Gaian and they come exclusively from Welkin, which is another dimension altogether. (Article here (http://  I intended to have Virmir and his squad be the only ones on the planet, but you had a few characters which I thought could have slipped through the gates.  But having a community of them already living on Gaian is going to cause problems for my massively deep Velken story arc that I've been slowly building on for the past six months.  (Heh...)

Do you think you can set up your Velkens as a separate race altogether?  They can be distantly related somehow, and I'm fine with them looking similar and all, but I need the name "Velken" to specifically refer to the race that hails from Welkin, and is enslaved by Retan.  You mention that Aaron's wife has white fur, while my Velkens are gray.  Perhaps this can a start for the difference between them.  Heck, make up a new name and throw up a quick article about them on DALpedia.  We can always use more (non-demon) races.  (Heh...)

Thanks!  And sorry for the confusion/inconvenience.

Xorlak, have I ever told you how much you rule? I was laughing to tears all the way through that part of your post.

Heh... 'Twas one of those long boring days at work when those two popped back into my mind, and wouldn't go away.

(First appearance (http://, near the bottom.)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on June 30, 2007, 09:17:19 PM
Yeah, I could do that. I shall name them Drannivolkas (http:// I just thought of it now! Kewl...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 01, 2007, 12:23:00 AM
Nice.  But you didn't have to totally rip off my article...  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 01, 2007, 12:58:06 AM
Sorry... I just wanted to wip something off.

"Indeed! And I fully intend to catch 'em all!"

Probably the best pun I've ever heard... That was a good one...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on July 01, 2007, 05:19:34 PM
Has the RP started yet?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 01, 2007, 05:28:31 PM
Yeah, a day ago actually. It's not to late, however.Wink
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on July 01, 2007, 07:45:53 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
Yeah, a day ago actually. It's not to late, however.Wink

OI OI OI! If you don't mind, I'll get in tommorow.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 01, 2007, 11:10:45 PM
Don't mind at all. Just as long as you get in Razz.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on July 02, 2007, 02:02:27 AM
...his belly.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 02, 2007, 02:01:19 PM
God damnit! I hate these new fourms! This is the second time it logged me off before I could make my post.

Could you please make it so it asks for you to log in BEFORE you make your post!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 02, 2007, 02:04:28 PM
You know, the same thing happend to me when I was trying to update an article on DAL pedia so that it didn't look like I was ripping off of Xorlak's stuff. I tried, then said screw it, because all of my precious work was deleted before I had a say in anything. What's going on, are the forums updating or something?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on July 02, 2007, 10:33:23 PM
DALpedia's not tied to the forums.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 02, 2007, 10:35:38 PM
Well then I don't know what the hell went wron with that. I'm pretty sure they're on the same kind of network, though... or is it tied with Dark Age Games?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 02, 2007, 11:01:54 PM
No, no, DALpedia is hosted by Xorlak's site - Dark Age Games. However, even then, these forums and the wiki template are two completely different things. I'm guessing they're just experiencing problems of their own, independent of each other.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 02, 2007, 11:38:42 PM
I'm sure we are. I think it had something to do with me being on my brothers account when posting. But who knows?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on July 03, 2007, 11:13:49 AM
Hehe.. I'm REALY confused Razz
But you could expect that from a newb to this style of RP..
Could anyone help me how to come in the plot with my first post?
It seems that everyone is SOMEWHERE, but I can't guess where >.>..
Help would be nice...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 03, 2007, 11:45:01 AM
Mostly everyone is in Tjed (http:// (underlined blue text are links), but that's really kind of an area where you could only get by boat. And you would only be there in the first place if you're a citizen or something.

The biggest area is Terian (http:// Yet not a lot of action is going on their, unless you want to get involved in a war between two different bad guys. But it would be a good place to just have your own story first and see what everyone else is doing. If you want to get into the action right away you could perhaps have your characters arrive at Tjed, by boat or flying or something...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 03, 2007, 04:42:27 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
God damnit! I hate these new fourms! This is the second time it logged me off before I could make my post.

Could you please make it so it asks for you to log in BEFORE you make your post!

Hmmm, it doesn't seem to log me off, and I've taken well over an hour to type a DAL post before.  (Heh...)  Do you have that thing checked that says "automatically log me on" (or whatever)?

This is supposed to be beta software, so there are still bugs in it.  If most people are feeling this is inadequate, I *could* set up something else exclusively for DAL, but I'm loathe to do so since transferring everything over would be a huge pain.  (Also, it would probably kill MS.  Heh...)

Generally I would recommend typing both your DAL articles and post into MS word/works and then pasting them in when you post.  Even if everything works perfectly, there's still a chance the server can hang and lose your work.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 03, 2007, 04:44:26 PM
Mikado: Well, I started the RP with my very first character by having him arrive to Terian on a boat, and just go out into the world looking for trouble. Haraldur was the first one to find me... the result is Ein's an Aspye... >.< Anyways, just make an intro post. I'm sure someone will get involved with your guy shortly thereafter.

Xorlak: I think making something separate for DAL would be a bit overkill. I seem to experience problems on DALpedia and MS independently, so I don't think it would matter, really. I think we'll still have problems on the new forum if you made something like that.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 04, 2007, 03:39:46 AM
Bah, things aern't going as I had planned... I will probably have to wait till july 18th before allowing my other characters in...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 04, 2007, 08:50:30 PM
KAF (http://
Damien Roth (http://
Lilithian (http://
Carmine (http://
Scarlet Comission (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 05, 2007, 01:38:25 PM
Awesomeness! Very Happy

I like the Stalkers and the Carmine picture.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: TK Game Boy on July 05, 2007, 04:27:13 PM
My part of the story is so far out of the way in part because my character lives in another area, or so I believe. I'd like to get things straight, can anyone tell me exactly where chapter 14 takes place for each character. I'm kinda having trouble here.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 05, 2007, 07:54:18 PM
For my characters, I have Duilin, Rink and Lagart in Tjed. Marshall, Wilham, Gorus and Vandrin are in the Vandrin County. Ophelia has just left Tjed.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 05, 2007, 08:39:37 PM
I've got Ben with Duilin and his guys at Tjed. I've got Justin, Tiberius, Doriana, Valimore, Aaron, and Jacobie in Ariosis with Elroy, Ven, and... Ned... and I've got Jackie and Jelka in Dranniville, waiting to use them for something later, along with Belrok in Ariosis, leading the Dark Empire's Enforcers up there.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 05, 2007, 08:50:15 PM
Ein: Awesome articles.  Carmine looks like a indecisive superhero with a low budget.  (Heh...)

TKGB:  I have four story threads going on at once... which is insane... (Heh...)  Seriously... I'm going to collapse any day now...

Virmir/Renard/Velkens + Melface -- Southern Tjed, above and around the huge black crater that blew up Jayce in Chapter 13.

Ven and mysterious guy (with Aaron and co.) -- Adventuring in Ariosis.

Kelmar and Irchan (NPCs) and Grav (with Fernis) -- In the dungeons of the Tower of Heaven's Bane, the capital of the Dark Empire, located on the dismal Dark Continent

Draven -- Battling high above the island of Romme DBZ style

Blast... then there's the Red Dragon located in the mountain in the center of Romme... but maybe Jenia will give me a break at let that thread fizzle to the back burner.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 05, 2007, 08:57:17 PM
Carmine was made by Dark Spartan Razz The rest were made by me. Personally I like Damien, he looks deliciously evil. Though the sandals are a bit of a turn-off, considering he's a general...

My sole storyline rotates completely around my character's empire, the Kandarinian Sovereignty. I'm actually trying to recruit people for my cause right now... see last post involving a patrol encountering ElderScrollinIt's character.

Have your guy exit the forest and go adventuring Very Happy maybe he'll run into some people from some faction and you can join them!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 06, 2007, 09:54:42 AM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Blast... then there's the Red Dragon located in the mountain in the center of Romme... but maybe Jenia will give me a break at let that thread fizzle to the back burner.  (Heh...)

I don't mind, as long as we assume they returned to the cave...
I was planning to have the revivals a background thing anyway...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on July 06, 2007, 06:04:29 PM
Would it be okay if I added another Island to Gaian? Obviously its not a one post thing, i'll do it gradually over several posts. So i was wondering if thats okay with u.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 06, 2007, 07:44:13 PM
No problem!  Just so long as it's not exceedingly huge.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 06, 2007, 09:03:51 PM
...posts. So i was wondering if thats okay with u.

The letters Y and O are so wonderful. It's such a strange thing, then, when I see people not using them...


Anyways, Xorlak, maybe you want to throw Vincent as one of your characters onto the signups? Or is he just an NPC right now?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 06, 2007, 10:13:22 PM
...Ein. use e-messenger to log in when on computers with nothing but a browser.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 07, 2007, 10:01:18 AM
Okay, I got a question about Vincent's return Xorlak. The guy got stabbed in the chest by two poison daggers and then chopped up into tiny pieces and then made into meat jerky, so to say. How can somebody survive, or even come back from the dead, after going through that!?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 07, 2007, 11:13:34 AM
Well, we'll find out, won't we?

Steorra managed to come back from the dead after being burnt, and having her ashes spread...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 07, 2007, 11:43:51 AM
My theory is either...

A) That wasn't actually Vincent that Makhano killed, it was a decoy or something.


B) Xorlak completely forgot about Vincent's death and/or is wilfully ignoring it.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 07, 2007, 12:22:27 PM
He isn't ignoring it. Read his last post carefully. It talks about Vincent holding his arm so that it doesn't fall off. That should've been clue enough for you that something's amiss.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM
He he he he he...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 07, 2007, 06:07:19 PM
Notice how the soverignty needs 20 posts to capture villages.

Also, Xorlak, if you decide that I am exaggerating about that guy, simply assume Fernis is overestimating him.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 07, 2007, 06:10:06 PM
I'm pleasantly surprised that someone actually reads my posts Razz

But yeah, that's how long I think it would take to take over the miscellaneous little outposts on Gaian.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on July 13, 2007, 06:41:49 AM
Some war is going on in Tjed, but who against who?
There are lizard men, humans, darkangels.
But what side are they on?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 13, 2007, 09:35:33 AM
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure who's side the Dark Angels are on.  They don't like Ben, one of Drannic's characters for some reason.  They apparently have decided to attack the city while they're at it.  Or rather, the Tjedians interpreted it as a Dark Empire attack and attacked them.  (Heh...)

Melface, Rufo, and Ophelia (currently disguised as wolves) are of the Dark Empire.  They are disguised because the Velkens (talking gray foxes, also Dark Empire) kicked them out, and now they are growing suspicious of the Velkens.

The only Lizard Man currently on the island is Lagart, who is a traitor to the Dark Empire and has joined Tjed's side, so he's actually a good guy.  All humans are with Tjed, as are Duilin (half demon), Rink (imp), and some others.

Confused yet?   Any more questions, just ask!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 13, 2007, 09:41:54 AM
Speaking of which, spoiler tags don't work here. It's no use trying to hide the colorful prettyness of your siggy... It is FUTILE! In fact, even THIS awesome tag doesn't work here!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 13, 2007, 10:52:30 PM
I did a sketch of Lizaberg, it's up on its DALPedia page. Check 'er out!

Click here. (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 14, 2007, 09:51:14 AM
Nice!  We need more sketches of our locations.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 14, 2007, 01:17:43 PM
I'd do Vandrin County, but seeing as it's been ripped apart right now, I think it would be pretty pointless. Maybe after the battle is done.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 17, 2007, 12:27:50 AM
I made another new character!

Valiko (http://

Hope he gets approved.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 17, 2007, 02:47:27 AM
Drannic, it becomes exceedingly hard to keep up with all your guys... 12 characters is a little... too much, I think... but, who am I

Another thing is that your character is a little... Haralduresque...

(oh no! he said THE NAME!)

I mean, all basic destruction spells mastered? Like, being able to cast a near-molten stone rock encased in ice and propelled by lightning? Hmm...

And everyone can sense his power? None is more powerful than him in combat other than Retan? Well, we've never actually seen Retan fight all-out, have we?

Unknown essence? From your description, he's a Draken... I doubt that a creature with only "Draken heritage" would be able to transform into an actual full fledged dragon. Even the move's description states that it's basic for a *Draken*, but it doesn't say anything about a Draken halfling (or however much Draken he has in himself). Needless to say, he probably wouldn't be able to be as much of a full dragon as, say, Retan would be. Anything in between would be a little grotesque (imagine a gigantic dragon with, say, human legs...)

12 hours of invisibility? That's a whole chapter. So he flies around stealthed bombing towns and cities (and characters) without taking any damage?

Then again, I also have a character somewhat like that - Kronos. But all he does is sit in his castle and gives the occasional order to take over Gaian (again -_-), without actually doing much himself. Your character doesn't seem to control a particular faction - which leads me to suspect the worst (a rampaging god). Looking at his alliances, we see "all but Crimson Empire and Dark Empire" - so you created him to oppose the two? What was he doing before that? Why didn't he show his godlike powers before? He could've well started a cult around himself and tried to destroy the two empires 10 times over. Moreover, that effectively kills your excuse for having him being brought in from another dimension, if you were going to use that. How could he have, from his other dimension, learned of (and actually began to dislike) the Dark and Crimson empires? Why would a being of such power come to Gaian in the first place, just to destroy two empires out of spite? What I'm saying is that maybe you might want to spend a little time developing your character to the power level you describe (even to a small degree - for example, back in chapter 9, Kronos took 3 posts to mass-resurrect 8,000 zombies - now he can pretty much resurrect 10,000 in one, though that has never happened. As I said, he pretty much sits up in his tower and bosses people around, which is what Retan appears to be doing, as well).


I'm not at all opposing the approval of your character, but I'm just saying that maybe, just maybe, you should... you know, spend some time on him. Maybe you won't even like the guy. What would you do then? You've already thrown in a god whose aura can be felt by anyone - so everyone notices it and it just vanishes...? Give it some time, let his character develop... Throwing a god into DAL this spontaneously is a little strange, I think. I mean, we've already got Jenia's rubber dude, who looks pretty bent on world domination... and trust me, omnipotent characters aren't as fun as we'd think them to Razz

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 17, 2007, 05:49:49 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
we've already got Jenia's rubber dude, who looks pretty bent on world domination...




World domination? My rubber boy? No way! Lies, I say!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 17, 2007, 11:06:48 AM
Drannic your new character seems pretty cheap with his powers and they could be easily abused. As I was reading his powers, Cloak of Shadows seems cheap enough already, 12 hours is around an entire chapter and that used with Energy Tap would make him 100% undetectable. Which would be fine if he was a weak character but then you go of and have him mastered all of the basic destructive spells. Basic spells can still pretty deadly, especially if he's mastered them all, that pretty much means that he can use any spell except the MDAA, CDAA and the Uber Shield. And then he can transform into a dragon and he's 1000 times cheaper then he already is.

Yes, you do state clearly that's he weaker than Retan, but ...
A) Retan is Xorlak's character
B) Xorlak in the admin and is allowed to bend the rules
C) Retan just sits in his castle all day long, letting other people do his work, like a good Final Boss should.

But I'd have to totally agree with D.Ein on this one. Build up your character first. Duilin started out as a total pushover who literally got knocked out by a smoke attack from Draven. I'm not saying you should take you 13 chapters to get a character as strong as Duilin, in fact I'd have no problem if you just made a character as strong as him. In fact Bjendell seems like he'd be around Duilin's strength.

Actually, what you could do, is maybe spend I dunno have a little character development story for your character, just so people get this idea what he's like, and other people can think of ways to survive getting in a fight with him (Yet in my opinion I'd still want you to tone him down).

I also noticed that you have the {{{Image}}} thing under his name. To prevent that, don't delete the "|Image=" part just leave it blank.

Another pet peeve I have is that from what it looks like with his Alliance, he would be a good guy. Personally, (note that I'm only stating my opinion here) is near god like good guys that never take a scratch *cough*Haraldur*cough*. Your character seems like one of those guys, with his uber stealth and all. I just think it's best to have the bad guy be the strongest, until like at the very end or something, it's just a thing I have...

The only exception to a good guy who is better than everybody, is somebody in an action movie/game like Duke Nukem or John McClaine, but even McClaine takes a few hits and seems overwhelmed at times.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 17, 2007, 08:36:50 PM
Ein and DM have already voiced my concerns on the character.

And just an FYI, Jenia and I have been working out our little story arc with the crazy summoned god via PMs for a while now.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on July 17, 2007, 09:04:13 PM
Xorlak and everyone else,
I am very sorry for the drop off in my posts over the past few days, and i apologise in advance for the time off over the next few days as well. I am dealing with some personal issues and wont be able to post for a bit. I still want to be apart of this and hopefully I'll be posting again asap, thanks. And until i return Druid is an imdependant character so no need to worry about him, but i give my good friend DudeMan power over Coriko till i get back.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 17, 2007, 10:07:30 PM
No worries, Coriko.  Come back soon!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 18, 2007, 12:31:02 AM
I'll make sure not to screw up your character, Coriko. I'll just think "What would he have him say?" when I write dialogue for him, just to avoid making him mute, while you're gone. Cool
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 18, 2007, 06:21:29 AM
Meh... I merely wanted to see what one would say if I added another Draken character...

I'll get to work and post a (hopefully) better version of Valiko when I'm done.

Also note, he's mastered the BASIC destructive spells... as in he knows very well how to cast fire ball, not infinate fireball of godly and epic destruction... he just knows how to cast it without wasting much magic...

There we go!

Here's the newer version (and possibly much fairer version) of Valiko (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 18, 2007, 01:01:34 PM
Much better Drannic.  Cool
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 18, 2007, 05:57:44 PM

Sorry... I just had to...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 19, 2007, 12:10:07 PM
Drannic I noticed you have Jacobie listed as a B-Class lizard man, but he doesn't seem to fit in that area at all.

He has a spell which can kill like 100 people at a time. That's a pretty strong attack (not saying that's a cheap because you don't seem to abuse it), and B-Class lizard men aren't supposed to have strong spells since in the description for them it says "they have little to no magical abilities".

Also it also says "they are generally dull and olfish" and Jacobie doesn't seem really that dumb, more so like average intelligence. I think he'd be better off as an S-Class...

Oh yeah, not like this is a big deal at all but I noticed every single character's info box has a gold title at the top. Seems rather repetitive and makes gold less special (IMO), but if you want to keep it that way go ahead.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 19, 2007, 08:45:14 PM
Come on, post something already!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 20, 2007, 12:00:12 AM
Have patience my young padawan.

Also what say you on Jacobie's Lizard Man class? I still hardly think he fits into the B-Class area. But maybe he isn't strong enough for an S-Class. Perhaps he could be a tall A-Class or something. Heh...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 20, 2007, 03:11:34 AM
Okay, first off, Padawan? FTW! I deserve a bit more respect then a lowly padawan. Sheesh...

Secondly, you might want to check your post. I think you may have accedentally replaced Belle with Ophelia.

Dude Man wrote:
"Come, it's too dangerous in here." Rink said to Ophelia. "I'm going to teleport us again, but it's only going to be right outside, when I let you go run as fast as you can. I have a feeling it'll even be dangerous outside." The two then disappeared and reappeared outside the room, leaving puffs of smoke. Rink then let go of Ophelia and she started running off. "Quick, warn everyone. I'll inform the knights..."

Last, I think A-Class should be good. (Meh, and I thought B was good... yes... I am a dumbtard...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 20, 2007, 12:20:31 PM
FTW = For the win

And yeah, you're right. I tend to mix up women's names a lot. It hasn't really helped me with dating.

But yeah, A-Class should work. He's only around 6'2 and the average height is seven to nine feet tall and A-Class are short, so he should fit in. Very Happy
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 21, 2007, 05:22:11 AM
I just thought FTW was a backwards WTF...

Meh... I'm so dumb...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on July 23, 2007, 08:54:44 AM
Yeah, okay for the moment I am goign to be able to rp Very Happy
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 23, 2007, 10:17:49 PM
Um, Drannic you are aware that Duilin and co. are in Tjedon which is surrounded by a mountain where the only way through are a maze of caves, didn't the ship crash outside Tjedon are just in the beach area?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 23, 2007, 11:21:24 PM
Drannic:  Please read ALL posts before making your own.  Particularly ones involving characters you're interacting with.  Kinda important.

Ven didn't even leave the airship.

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 24, 2007, 01:08:05 AM
I'm gonna have to fix that.


Meh... Told you I'm dumb...


Hope that did the trick.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 24, 2007, 08:13:56 PM
Drannic, is there something about the DAL post I made yesterday that's confusing?  Did you actually read it?  I mess up and put too little information in my posts sometimes, so please let me know if I'm doing that and I'll try to be more detailed.  You revised your response, which is good.  But Ven said some things that sort of make it seem like your characters didn't hear him.  And then there's the giant flying dragons and the explosions they're sort of not paying attention to.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 24, 2007, 08:45:10 PM
Barbadose is waiting for you to hop out so that he can distract them, along with Justin and Tiberius. Just made another post edit. Sorry about that mis-hap... I seem to be finding myself editing my posts more frequently, as I do sometimes forget to read the posts from before...

Meh. That should fix it.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 26, 2007, 01:07:48 AM
I'm almost afraid to ask if Jenia's going to be using his uber-devil-demon-god-death-rubber thing in battle. If he is, my characters might contract that rare skin disease.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 26, 2007, 02:06:48 AM
Hopefully not, and I don't even think black rubber is even as strong as Retan.

Well at least I hope one of them realizes that they are the weaker one and/or they both realize they are of equal strength. I just hate it when characters are all like. "I'm stronger than you." and the other guy is like. "Tch, I am a god. Mortal!"

Oh yeah, so Nex (http:// is back, in case you haven't been reading my posts. New pic on his page, too.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 26, 2007, 05:26:43 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
I'm almost afraid to ask if Jenia's going to be using his uber-devil-demon-god-death-rubber thing in battle. If he is, my characters might contract that rare skin disease.

It is NOT a demon! It's a powerful spirit from the plane of Limbo!

And I hope to avoid using him in battles other than this one.

As for DM's comment, don't worry, I have a plan including all possible actions the emperor may take, with three possible-yet-desicive outcomes.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 26, 2007, 06:25:45 PM
Quote from: "Jenia"
((Did you notice the god of death's name has not been mentioned ONCE? XD))

Why must you lie? Razz

"Who is the transporter?" The black suited beings asked.

"Lord Xnhrthsnhz." One of the pale beings replied.

Isn't that supposed to be his name?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 26, 2007, 08:05:19 PM
I must pause to reflect upon the sheer awesomeness of that name.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 26, 2007, 08:22:31 PM
Me and Jenia were talking about the name for the thing, I suggested that it be one of those crazy names that's impossible to pronounce and he came up with that. I also suggested putting a few crazy accents and symbols over the letters, to force people to always copy & paste his name when mentioning it (yet I'm sure people still will do so).

So Xorlak, no comment on the return of Nex?  Confused
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 26, 2007, 09:26:22 PM


Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 27, 2007, 01:03:20 AM
Xorlak, an off-topic remark: update the Kelzar Mage webcomic already. >.<
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 27, 2007, 05:34:33 AM
Of course that name is awesome! >_<
It is read Mrnmhrm-style, starts with X and ends with Z! That's three points to awesome I can see!

As a side note, while Xnhrthsnhz does say it's pointless to damage him, theres a trick to it :p Cookies to anyone who guessess/discovers it first!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 27, 2007, 09:59:01 AM
That's generally how I do my stronger characters.  Draven for instance will almost never fall in a physical battle, but he gets distracted extremely easily and falls for ruses all the time.

Retan however is going to remain the impossible-to-beat ridiculously clinched evil primary villain for at least 1-2 more chapters.  (Heh...)  Then I'm going to let someone else step up for a while.

Xorlak, an off-topic remark: update the Kelzar Mage webcomic already. >.<

I have the next one like 20% done, but whenever I sit down to work on it I get distracted and move on to other things.  Maybe this weekend.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 27, 2007, 12:00:49 PM
I actually have a few ideas for the next Retan-like character. But I think after Retan falls, maybe Kronos should be regarded as the next super villain. Wink

I do think I've earned to have an uber bad guy. I tried to do with Abodahon earlier, but he was out shadowed by Melkoth and got killed too easily by Haraldur...

Plus Ein has been working so hard with Kronos, I think he's earned having the main spotlight.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 27, 2007, 04:49:56 PM
"Sitting at my throne, I couldn't help but wonder - why am I so... absolutely perfect? I mean, I have armies of undead ready to obey my most whimsical thoughts. My Lich powers allow me to be completely unphased by any physical attacks. Even had all these powers been stripped from me, I still control an empire, soon to outgrow the Dark Empire itself. If I weren't me, I'm sure as Skorn I'd wish I was me.

"The preparations for war are once again underway, and once again do I find myself with nothing to do. History is doomed to repeat itself, so they say. This having been thought, I decided to read a book.  I didn't bother labouring myself with the deed, so I called a nearby servant girl over, who was dusting my throne room.

-"Slave!", I snapped my fingers. "Go down to the library, and bring me something to read."

-"Yes, Sovereign. What would you like to read?"

-"The first thing you pull out."

-"Yes, Sovereign."

The serving-girl left, and I remained in my throne, bored out of my mind. That book has better be good.

"To start this book, you must first complete the Evil Overlord necessities list: the eight things that ALL Evil Overlords must have. They are as follows:

-A massive empire
-Some sort of a power, natural or supernatural
-A cult of followers who exhibit your own power but to a lesser extent
-A great palace to command your armies from
-Personal bodyguards, or ''goons''
-Overly whimsical rules for your empire
-A snappy outfit
-A gigantic pipe organ - no tyrant is complete without one."

Kronos wins.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 27, 2007, 07:36:31 PM
Drannic: I'm sorry I'm picking on you so much, but there's no way Ben could have known what I've been holding back as a secret for the past 4 chapters.  (Heh...)  DM and I have been building on this story arc for a long time now, and your sudden solution is a little anti-climatic.  Remember that the point here isn't just to have the good guys "win", but to write a story.  And stories with complex paths to solutions are a whole lot more entertaining.  I'm not saying you have to revise your post, but I think things would work out better if you did.  I know you're just trying to participate, but you've got Ven to play with.  (Heh...)

EDIT:  Hmmm, actually I think I can manage a decent response to this, so never mind!  Whether you decide to edit or not is entirely up to you. (Although I still don't see how he could know about the Velken's plight, with them being cut off in their own pocket dimension and all.)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 27, 2007, 07:40:44 PM
Heheh, well, DM *does* have seniority over me, but at the moment, I see Kronos as the only alternative to Retan - with the possible exception of Draven, if he decides to build yet another force to kill stuff with. In fact, Kronos was supposed to be a slightly less serious, more comical version of the Dark Emperor. I think he's kind of outgrown that mould, though.

Also, regarding my latest post ("The M-Grid orb smashed against the wall..."), I finally noticed a core fault within my Kronos posts. It is the same thing that almost ruined the Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth game. It's a detectivehorror game, and most of the story comes from your character's comments. His voice is the problem, though. It would be perfect for a normal detective, but not for one plagued by nightmares about getting abducted by aliens and weird, fish-like people dicing outsiders with meat cleavers. Same with Kronos: the non-speech dialogue just doesn't seem to correspond with the spoken parts... like, my latest post: you would expect the entry to be written in angry writing as well, because the character was angry at the moment. It, however, appears to be completely cool-headed. Is this too noticeable?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 27, 2007, 07:55:44 PM
Well if you guys would have said something... sheesh... I think it works out better this way, though. Ben does know just about fricken everything... heh... Well, he knows more than enough.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 27, 2007, 08:04:18 PM
Heh, no problem then.

Also, regarding my latest post ("The M-Grid orb smashed against the wall..."), I finally noticed a core fault within my Kronos posts. It is the same thing that almost ruined the Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth game. It's a detectivehorror game, and most of the story comes from your character's comments. His voice is the problem, though. It would be perfect for a normal detective, but not for one plagued by nightmares about getting abducted by aliens and weird, fish-like people dicing outsiders with meat cleavers. Same with Kronos: the non-speech dialogue just doesn't seem to correspond with the spoken parts... like, my latest post: you would expect the entry to be written in angry writing as well, because the character was angry at the moment. It, however, appears to be completely cool-headed. Is this too noticeable?

The way one thinks and the way one actually acts are two totally different things.  People with a wide split are usually great candidates for first person writing.  The way I see it, Kronos is putting up a front, trying to appear totally serious, competent, and ruler-like to his people.  But he pours his true thoughts into his journal, and here we see his true goofy personality.  Everything's a joke to him, and that's why its so hilarious.

And as for his last entry, I don't see anything wrong with it at all.  He's writing the journal entry at a later time, possibly that evening, right?  He is writing about at time when he was angry, but likely isn't angry at the time he is writing.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 28, 2007, 06:13:59 PM
LOL! Xorlak, theres a major problem with your last post...

As been mentioned in previus posts, the runic power bind Xnhrthsnhz to Retan's world of being via a tie to his life-force. Until the tie is severed, Xnhrthsnhz will simply be dragged back to Gaian no matter how much you try sending him somewhere else.

Also, as to the void bit, have you thought that, perhaps, Xnhrthsnhz thinks Retan reffers to his world as the void, while the two are actualy different places?
It just so happens that this is the case  Surprised

Also, theres seems to be no donor for the "make a puny human pwn" project...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 28, 2007, 08:19:53 PM
Well make your own puny human, before Drannic creates another character Razz.

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 28, 2007, 08:30:21 PM
Oh, shut up... At least I don't have grammar problems every other post. Razz.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 28, 2007, 09:11:29 PM
No offence, but you have just as many as I do.

Anyways, I thought it would be necessary to add another ability to Nex's (http:// DALpedia article. A few of you should get the little in-joke I put into it.

Oh yeah, and Trent broke the no lame one liners rule. Boo! Boo! Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 28, 2007, 11:44:47 PM
I can't make my own puny human! I sux at RPing normal people!

I can only RP awesome/crazy/catastrophically lame characters!
I just don't know the mind of simpletons!
Ask Ein, he knows of my snobbish nature!

That's right, I'm better than all of you...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 28, 2007, 11:47:48 PM
Well, if you're going to make him "pwn" then he wouldn't be normal now would he? Plus you could just have him as an NPC at start. Wink
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 12:08:43 AM
No offense to either DM or Drannic, but I have better grammar than the both of you, so quit arguing. Both of you also have a ludicrous amount of characters, half of which are less than active (i.e. you don't update them every single post).

DM: Nex is a necromancer? LAAAAME. I thought I asked you if there were any other necromancers in the RP before I made Kronos. You mentioned the one NPC but that's it. Nothing of Nex... though cool new ability Razz

Jenia + Xorlak: Looks like either miscommunication through PMs or or Retan's own overlook  Shocked


From a MSN conversation with DM:
[Dudeman] says:
In fact I'm on a best friend basis with my younger brother
[Dudeman] says:
I actually get along considerably well with all of them

Draconis and Jacobie, pay heed!

Razz Wink
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 29, 2007, 12:21:05 AM
Yeah, well I forgot about it. Plus it's a really poor necromancy ability compared to how Kronos does it. Nex's way is kind of like Frankenstein's way of raising the dead, since he uses electricity.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 29, 2007, 12:41:49 AM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
Well, if you're going to make him "pwn" then he wouldn't be normal now would he? Plus you could just have him as an NPC at start. Wink

No, the idea is that he originaly WAS a normal human! I'd have to think normal IN PAST TENSE for this to work!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 29, 2007, 12:52:03 AM
Well, if you're going to be so stubborn you're never going to get your plan launched are you. Wink

Ein: Yeah, yeah. I have a happy family life, whoop-dee-doo. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 29, 2007, 01:08:04 AM
Whatywhaty what what? Draconis? Jacobie? Jacobie killed Draconis because he got a bit pissed, oh well. Big deal, right? Anyways, the motivation there was jealosy, Draconis wanted to be better than Jacobie, but seeing how Jacobie was Valimore's apprentice, even though he didn't really want to be, and how Draconis really wanted to be Valimore's apprentice...

Point is, he got a little pissed at that... meh, he was a bad guy, so I killed him off... I'm thinking of making another super evil villan soon... mehhehheh!

So, um, yeah. Could people with omega super villans give me some pointers? Xorlak? Ein?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 01:52:21 AM
I can throw a few in.

First of all: deactivate half of your characters. I'm not saying this out of spite, but in full seriousness. Your evil empire WILL take a lot out of you, if you plan on it to be good and active. That's why Kronos is my only real active character now (I probably should revert Hannibal back to NPC status).

Second: Choose a style. Even though Xorlak may disagree, I think that such an epilepsy of a nation as mine was horrible (clockwork industry-style land ruled by a necromancer). Now that everyone's a necromancer, it's a little more sensible.

Third: Don't massively overpower your character. Since I rock so much, and Kronos is so special, I get to break that rule - but as a general advice, try to keep your character's power within his own empire. A one-man army of a ruler wouldn't really need an empire, would he?

Fourth: Once again, learn from others' mistakes: do NOT make another new landmass for this. Other than Gaian and the Arctic Region, we've got Ariosis, Kandarin, and Coriko's work-in-progress. Trust me, it is a LOT more fun starting off where there are rules already laid down, rather than making an island with your own. That's the main reason why I trashed Kandarin and moved to the Arctic Region. Kandarin was way too perfect for me - in AR, I actually had some troubles to overcome, such as the absence of building materials. That's how the whole idea of unlife came to be.

Fifth and final: don't start out big. Yet again, another mistake I made. I thought that Kandarin would be a militaristic nation, and I'd have no trouble conquering Gaian - well, I'm at my third try, and I still don't command much respect anywhere in the world. That's the part you have to work for, and that's the part that makes the evil overlord character interesting. An evil overlord with everything at his disposal is no good at all.

Note that all my suggestions are based around an empire, and not a solo character. *hint hint*
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 29, 2007, 02:57:55 AM
Actually, I'm thinking about sending most of my guys who started out the holy drannic republic back to the arctic region (save Jacobie), and sticking with Ben, Jacobie, and Valiko most of the ways, while having an evil character serve Retan for the time being, until he comes up with a plan to build his own empire (name pending). That's a lot of guys I'm putting out of use, although I did already deactivate Aaron, Draconis, Jackie, and Jelka. Soon, there will be Justin, Tiberius, Dori, and Valimore... I stand by with saying that's a lot to deactivate. I can think of a few ways...

In any case, thanks for the advice!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 29, 2007, 10:34:07 AM
Quote from: "Jenia"
LOL! Xorlak, theres a major problem with your last post...

As been mentioned in previus posts, the runic power bind Xnhrthsnhz to Retan's world of being via a tie to his life-force. Until the tie is severed, Xnhrthsnhz will simply be dragged back to Gaian no matter how much you try sending him somewhere else.

I'm not quite sure how Indher managed to do that, since she's the one who performed the summoning.  But whatever.  The evil black portal-ly stuff Retan threw at him magically undid all that (cause it's magic, ya know) and now binded his being to whatever is convenient for the story.  (Heh...)

Quote from: "Jenia"
Also, as to the void bit, have you thought that, perhaps, Xnhrthsnhz thinks Retan reffers to his world as the void, while the two are actualy different places?
It just so happens that this is the case  Surprised

Absolutely.  But this is the only way that battle would ever end.  (Heh...)  You can of course play with the results however you please.

Quote from: "Jenia"
Also, theres seems to be no donor for the "make a puny human pwn" project...

You guys should do Firstman.  (Heh...)

Quote from: "D. Ein"
First of all: deactivate half of your characters. I'm not saying this out of spite, but in full seriousness. Your evil empire WILL take a lot out of you, if you plan on it to be good and active. That's why Kronos is my only real active character now (I probably should revert Hannibal back to NPC status).

This is so true.  You guys have no idea how burned out I am right now.  (Heh...)  It's not so much the evil empire, but having 1-3 characters in EVERY SINGLE faction.  And I can't kill anyone off, because I think every plot thread is good.

Once Retan falls, possibly in the next chapter (EPIC battle), I'm going to *try* to settle down to one or two medium-low powered, nicely manageable characters for a while.  (Heh...)

Also, Drannic, I was looking at Bjendell's page (http:// and I noticed that he is apparently "God".  I'm glad you haven't been playing him this way, since he seems more interesting and realistic as a medium-powered angel rather than some divine being.  Perhaps you will want to update this page and make him simply an 'angel'?  Virmir called him "messenger of Asgard" and I will admit I pulled this out of nowhere, but it does sound kinda cool, doesn't it?  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 29, 2007, 11:40:24 AM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Quote from: "Jenia"
LOL! Xorlak, theres a major problem with your last post...

As been mentioned in previus posts, the runic power bind Xnhrthsnhz to Retan's world of being via a tie to his life-force. Until the tie is severed, Xnhrthsnhz will simply be dragged back to Gaian no matter how much you try sending him somewhere else.

I'm not quite sure how Indher managed to do that, since she's the one who performed the summoning.  But whatever.  The evil black portal-ly stuff Retan threw at him magically undid all that (cause it's magic, ya know) and now binded his being to whatever is convent for the story.  (Heh...)

Magical runes, laddie!
The problem with them is that, once activated, they are basically burned into the universe's very existence as some form of law.
Now, to undo that, Retan would have to purposefully destroy that law.
Which he did not, so the law checks and sees "Oh! He is not in the same universe as Retan!" and drags him back to gaian.

...I should put half of that down in DALpedia.

Quote from: "Xorlak"
Quote from: "Jenia"
Also, as to the void bit, have you thought that, perhaps, Xnhrthsnhz thinks Retan reffers to his world as the void, while the two are actualy different places?
It just so happens that this is the case  Surprised

Absolutely.  But this is the only way that battle would ever end.  (Heh...)  You can of course play with the results however you please.

I WAS planning to end it soon, anyways. In any case, I'll assume he was dragged back, but was too tired to persist in his attempts to kill Retan and free himself, which is where operation MPHP(Make a Puny Human Pwn) comes into play.
Quote from: "Xorlak"
Quote from: "Jenia"
Also, theres seems to be no donor for the "make a puny human pwn" project...

You guys should do Firstman.  (Heh...)
Who the flux is that?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 11:43:13 AM
He's Dudeman's guy. Check DM's latest post. He's in it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Breaking the rules by not reading all the posts, are we, Jenia? Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 29, 2007, 11:46:24 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
He's Dudeman's guy. Check DM's latest post. He's in it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Breaking the rules by not reading all the posts, are we, Jenia? Razz
Hey, I'm forgetful! The government DID label me as "lazy minded", you know >_>

EDIT: *hugs dalpedia*
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on July 29, 2007, 01:51:40 PM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
First of all: deactivate half of your characters. I'm not saying this out of spite, but in full seriousness. Your evil empire WILL take a lot out of you, if you plan on it to be good and active. That's why Kronos is my only real active character now (I probably should revert Hannibal back to NPC status).
Anti and Drake aren't part of an evil empire, but you're pretty much on the dot; I'm not bringing the flyboys (and flygirl) back until I'm back into the swing of this. I also don't want my characters clashing against themselves too much. I don't want their entire story to focus on fighting Anti and Drake.

I'll go ahead and say this, though; I'm going to bring ONE of them back first, and he/she will confront Anti outright, get his/her ass kicked, and end up on some other task. But I don't want to do it until there's something sufficient to distract him/her, and I'd prefer to wait until Anti's done teaming up with Draven.

P.S. Thanks for quoting me in your sig, Ein. Wink
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 29, 2007, 02:07:02 PM
Also, Drannic, I was looking at Bjendell's page and I noticed that he is apparently "God". I'm glad you haven't been playing him this way, since he seems more interesting and realistic as a medium-powered angel rather than some divine being. Perhaps you will want to update this page and make him simply an 'angel'? Virmir called him "messenger of Asgard" and I will admit I pulled this out of nowhere, but it does sound kinda cool, doesn't it? (Heh...)

One, yes, it did sound pretty cool. Two, I need to wait for a while because I have a really good plot for chapters fifteen and sixteen up ahead, but for now, he's just an angel.

Quote from: "Xorlak"
Quote from: "D. Ein"
First of all: deactivate half of your characters. I'm not saying this out of spite, but in full seriousness. Your evil empire WILL take a lot out of you, if you plan on it to be good and active. That's why Kronos is my only real active character now (I probably should revert Hannibal back to NPC status).

This is so true.  You guys have no idea how burned out I am right now.  (Heh...)  It's not so much the evil empire, but having 1-3 characters in EVERY SINGLE faction.  And I can't kill anyone off, because I think every plot thread is good.

Once Retan falls, possibly in the next chapter (EPIC battle), I'm going to *try* to settle down to one or two medium-low powered, nicely manageable characters for a while.  (Heh...)

Retan will fall!? Possibly in the next chapter!?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 02:59:14 PM
Trent: np, I was re-reading chapter 10. Your guys have some pretty good quotes in there, especially during the Everyone vs Horus fight.

Drannic: Yeah. Your evil dude can be Kronos' competitor for the title of Supreme Emperor of the Known Worlds when Retan's gone.  Cool
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 29, 2007, 03:08:45 PM
Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, now somebody post on DAL! Rawr!

And yes, I'm going to make one more character, but not now...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 03:31:53 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
Well make your own puny human, before Drannic creates another character Razz.


I can't believe I almost got angry at DM for saying that.  Laughing
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 29, 2007, 07:42:14 PM
Quote from: "D. Ein."
//Nice to see you're familiar with your Lovecraft, Xorlak - but the guy's name is Ryleh, like Rylee - not Rlyeh, after the mythical city. Takes an obsessive maniac like myself to spot that (I specifically checked the way you spelled it)\

You took up two lines of commentary space over a typo?

And what's a Lovecraft?


Quote from: "Jenia"
Magical runes, laddie!
The problem with them is that, once activated, they are basically burned into the universe's very existence as some form of law.
Now, to undo that, Retan would have to purposefully destroy that law.
Which he did not, so the law checks and sees "Oh! He is not in the same universe as Retan!" and drags him back to gaian.

...I should put half of that down in DALpedia.

What in blazes are you talking about?

Can you point to the specific place where this law has been established in the RP?  Also can you point to the part in the RP where Indher binds Xwnrgoiwnsgzz to a *spectator* of the summoning, rather than someone actually involved?

(I merely jest, of course. Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 29, 2007, 09:03:11 PM
My head hurts... you guys are confusing me...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 29, 2007, 09:17:34 PM
Yes, two lines of comment over a typo.

I'm that kind of person.

Deep inside my head, I was thinking that you might've just made a typo, but meh...

R'lyeh (http://

EDIT: Xorlak, I finally tried to give DA2 a run. I can't get past the first level. x_x

Which is, of course, a sign of an addictive game!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on July 30, 2007, 12:07:42 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
EDIT: Xorlak, I finally tried to give DA2 a run. I can't get past the first level. x_x
I've beaten it three times (not to mention I was one of the people who actually bought it), the last two almost deciding to take the time and effort to level up to fight Hades. My first time through, I did get lost looking for one of the pieces, though. Maybe I can help you. What're you having trouble with (please don't say the boss)?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 30, 2007, 01:30:12 AM
You're going to laugh like crazy.


P. S. about DAL: Trent, I missed that part, sorry. However, it might've been misinformation on Kronoses side (regarding your comment)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: ElderScrollinIt on July 30, 2007, 04:55:20 AM
I'm sorry I couldn't post anything this whole chapter... I was away and I forgot to warn somebody, so I was wondering if you could delete my posts about Elroy and I could start out anew with the current action.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 30, 2007, 10:03:13 AM
No need to delete anything, just hop back in whenever you're ready.

Ein: Level up!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 30, 2007, 11:12:17 AM
Xorlak: The problem was that when I came up to the suit of armour, it didn't do anything at all. It just said that it stood there, and that it was blocking my way. I know now though that I have to collect the three keys, courtesy of DM.

Scrollin: Yep, go ahead and start off where you left at. I did, however, have my NPCs approach your guy, so it might be a good idea to read a few of the posts after your last post.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on July 30, 2007, 02:35:12 PM
Ein: It's actually kind of sad that you didn't know that when you're specifically told to do that at the beginning, plus if you look at the altar in front of it, Brash says something about needing to put the keystones there.

Scrollin: Yeah, don't worry. We've had a few people just sign up and post a few times and then leave hanging their storyline. I sadly thought you were one of those people, but it's great to see you're back!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: ElderScrollinIt on July 30, 2007, 04:38:44 PM
I kind of just want to start over, so I'll delete my character and make a new one. I'll edit this post when I'm done.

EDIT: Here's the new character. Ko'ji Riuki (http://'s the name. Hope she turns out to be pretty good this time around. I'm possitive I have no where to go now for the rest of the summer, so that should be good, too.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on July 30, 2007, 05:26:14 PM
Quote from: "Xorlak"
(I merely jest, of course. Heh...)

To that, I respond with one of your own quotes...

Quote from: "DALpedia"
"Your jest is very amusing, but clearly you wouldn't want to take this little '''joke''' of yours too far, for it would be very damaging for me to mistake your jest for truth and, say, disembowel your innards and mount your head among the other... examples...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 30, 2007, 05:29:44 PM
When I first read that quote, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. That's how awesome it is. The only quote that could possibly out-awesome that one is....

Quote from: "Draven"
"Wine, please. Red."

Edit: WHAT THE HELL?! DALpedia is down AGAIN! I can access it through a proxy, oddly enough, but not from my computer.

Edit #2: 30 minutes later, it is accessible. Somebody shoot me now.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 30, 2007, 09:32:53 PM
Double post lol.

Now that I can access DALpedia again, I reviewed Scrollin's character.

Name: Koji Riuki

Race: Velken

Did you contact Xorlak about making a Velken?


Read the very bottom sentence
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: ElderScrollinIt on July 30, 2007, 09:42:28 PM
I sent him a PM before I made the char.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 31, 2007, 08:06:28 PM
It's been quite a while since anybody posted something...

Which means? Somebody post something... Please?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on July 31, 2007, 08:11:45 PM
I'm waiting for Xorlak to reply.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on July 31, 2007, 08:30:17 PM
Heh... same here, and I think DM is as well... Xorlak's got a lot to post when he does...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on July 31, 2007, 09:24:21 PM
Quote from: "ElderScrollinIt"
I sent him a PM before I made the char.

Note I replied to the PM before I read this.  Although after reviewing I still think you should stick with one of the three options I gave you in the PM.  I think you can modify her a bit and go with option #2 that I described, though.  Retan only summoned Velkens to Gaian a year and a half ago.  If she is 27 and taken was to Gaian at birth, she would have been in the original Dark Empire (predominantly human) for the majority of her years, and then a member of the Crimson Empire before Retan returned.  I'm not quite sure this fits.

Some notes on appearance, I haven't made it official in the article yet, but I'm thinking they should all be predominantly silver-furred.  Also, note that she's on the tall side.  Velkens average a little under 5 feet, so 5'2" is okay, but just be mindful of it if you want most of her fellows to be looking up at her.  I would imagine the females of the species to be smaller than the males, though.

And folks can note that when I'm done with the current Velken story arc, I'm going to upon up the race for people to use a bit more easily without as many rules.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: ElderScrollinIt on July 31, 2007, 09:29:27 PM
I'm gonna go with the second option in the PM. I'll be sure to edit the char, too. I made her 4'8". I hope that fits a bit better...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 01, 2007, 10:56:47 PM
I noticed this problem happening to me a few times. I write long posts and then some sort of error occurs and my post becomes deleted. I tried again, but then it became just a bunch of letters... something wierd is going on with my computer, or perhapse it's this site.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 01, 2007, 11:11:19 PM
I usually copy and paste my posts into MS Word, mostly for spell checking reasons, but it's also because just in case I have a browser error, I've got my post saved in word.

But sometimes I forget to do that at the worst possible times...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 01, 2007, 11:23:07 PM
Never had that problem. Long live Firefox (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 02, 2007, 12:29:38 PM
Wow can this be? I think I once again have the most some-what active characters. Yet I scarcely update Vandrin, Gorus, Wilham and Marshall.

Speaking of which I think I'll attempt on writing an update for all of them.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 02, 2007, 12:57:25 PM
Yeah, I rendered most of my characters' statuses inactive, for the time being. Right now, I just have Jacobie (http://, Justin, (http:// Dori (http://, Tibbs (http://, Valimore (http://, and Valiko (http:// Big change, right?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 04, 2007, 01:06:54 AM
Scratch that, I've decided to reactivate Ben until the end of this chapter... his need is dire...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on August 05, 2007, 03:46:26 PM
*generic excuse for not posting goes here*

I'll try to write one up tonight. Been busy with preparing for relatives coming to visit.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 05, 2007, 08:02:02 PM
Where Ein is at? ;_;
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 05, 2007, 10:35:03 PM
No idea. Last I heard of him, he was going bear hunting.

Yeah, hunting bears.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 06, 2007, 03:34:50 AM
Well, that seems pretty stupid... I guess it's better than hunting quail! Very Happy
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 06, 2007, 08:53:12 PM
Stupid? Stupid?!

You try sleeping when one of those things comes to your tent at night, hungry for vengeance!

And yeah, bear hunting. I went with this Polish dude, I think, his name's Chris (well, it's really Krzystof, but your philistine tongues will not be able to pronounce that). He brought a crossbow and a rifle. Yeah. Hunting bears with a crossbow. How much more freaking AWESOME can you get?!

We didn't get any, though.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 06, 2007, 09:50:50 PM
Try hunting coyotes with a big, wooden sword. Then, tell me what awsome is.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 06, 2007, 11:49:24 PM
I did that once. One of them dropped a phoenix down and some eye drops when I killed it.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 06, 2007, 11:56:28 PM
Did it? last I tried that, it told me to please leave its humble corpse alone, lest I loot it. I answered that I need to feed my family, at which point it dropped dead from sheer amazement at the sight of a talking human.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 07, 2007, 03:46:30 AM
You guys suck. Seriously, it's fun bashing something in with a wooden sword! I just found this big stick and carved it to have an edge. It doesn't really hurt like a real sword, but damn does it hurt when you smash some stupid coyote in the face with one! It's really fun.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 07, 2007, 01:39:01 PM
New character.

Not bothering to post any DALpedia page.

'cos he/she's not new.

Refer to him/her simply as "hooded being" for now. I'll add clues to allude to who it is, of course.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 07, 2007, 02:54:47 PM
Oh the suspense is killing me! I need to know right now!

Actually I don't, but I have a feeling it's either: Aura, Mugen, Tsu, Xenai or Zion...

But I could be wrong. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 07, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
People like to randomly charge into Kandarin for some reason.

"The hooded being"

and so on...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 07, 2007, 04:51:11 PM
Seijin's in his cloud doing nothing. Just like a good guardian. Razz

So it's either Zion, Xenai, Tsu, or Aura. They're the ones that fought Anti during the gaiden after Ch. 10, so it would only make sense for them to come out of nowhere (I sent them back to the one town they were in originally, but I've retconned that; after the gaiden, they stayed in the pocket dimension).

I've already left a big clue as to who it is.

And the hooded being is charging in because Anti's there.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 07, 2007, 06:50:31 PM
I'm not blaming anyone for anything, just saying...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on August 07, 2007, 08:20:33 PM
Sorry, guys, but I'm headed for Mississippi tomorrow morning because of a family emergency, and my grandmother's in the hospital. I'll probably be back around Monday or so.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 08, 2007, 11:04:00 PM
The hooded being's identity has been revealed. Smile
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 09, 2007, 12:45:10 AM
Trent: Thought so.

Ein: Maybe you could post that request you made about Kandarin, on the DALPedia page.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 09, 2007, 01:57:13 PM
And now, I am officially signing up Tsu Nami, Zion Ultima, and Xenai Omega. Smile

I probably shouldn't link to their DALPedia pages. I don't really maintain them. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 10, 2007, 12:32:30 AM
Alright I updated the Romme Avengers (http:// page. Might as well maintain something.

Xorlak: Don't feel like wasting time with a PM, so I might as well ask here. Nex has come near north point. Want to have Draven and Nex meet up? I kind of need to do something with him. Heheh.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 10, 2007, 08:49:38 AM
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 10, 2007, 08:19:48 PM
So, I'm starting to feel it.  I.e. A good place for a chapter break.  (I.e. My story line has degraded to the point where it now focuses on giant rats. Heh...)

But what do you people think?  I know some of you may be starting school again sometime soon, so when would the chapter break fit best into people's schedules?

This will be a standard 1-2 week break plus 1 week sign-ups.  I'm thinking we don't do an "overnight" thing this time, so Chapter 15 starts at night.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 10, 2007, 09:39:49 PM
Well, Ein just came back... I kind of wanted to get him over with first.

However, what would happen if, say, we stopped the rp now, but then started it up a week later? In other words, just a really short break?

Or we could linger on till the end of August. I have absolutely nothing to do during the summer, and DAL is my one saviour. If we stop before the end of August, then I'll have nothing to do for three weeks. Then, just when school comes, DAL opens up again - thus taking time away from both.

Bottom line: I say, if you're going to make a chapter break, do it at the end of August. This is perfect, because then it will give us time to cool down from the chapter, and overcome the business from the first three weeks of school (grade 12...). So, what do you think?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 11, 2007, 03:41:08 PM
I can handle an end of August break.  Anyone else have a preference?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 11, 2007, 06:25:23 PM
Xorlak, would it be possible for you to reactivate Vincent in this chapter, if we happen to have more time? Or would you rather put him on hold as promised, until the next chapter?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 11, 2007, 07:05:18 PM
End of August would be great. I start college at NKU on the 20th, so I guess the break will allow me to get used to when college really gets going before taking DAL on again.

Now as for my limiters... I was thinking of this time... Something where the characters will release higher power depending on the strength of the enemy. This time, though, they're not really gonna be run by meters like before.

Example: Zion will not release his wings or summon Eternity Weapon against minor enemies. Period.

Example 2: if Zion was to fight against someone of equal strength with him, he'd fight in normal state until he starts getting into a disadvantage, or until the fight gets really long. Then he'd release his wings to try and tip the scales. Another situation would be if the enemy powers up. He would have to power up in order to match his enemy.

But if he fights someone already stronger than him, he would stay in normal form for a much shorter time. If he's still not doing decently after a while after releasing his wings, he will then summon Eternity Weapon.

Last example: if Zion fights someone where the strength difference is obvious, like, say... Retan. Razz He's not going to waste time; he'll summon Eternity Weapon immediately.

Which, by the way... Summoning the weapons will not result in a huge mech stomping around to fight alongside its summoner. Instead, they go directly to the fused forms, Ultima Eternity and Omega Zero. It's more practical this way.

As for Tsu and Aura, they don't have any weapons to summon (though they do have wings like Zion and Xenai do). So instead, they'll cast the spell Omega Fist (Heh...). It doesn't compare to fusing with a powerful organic mech, but it helps. Razz

Before I get started with hi-ougis, does this sound good so far?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 11, 2007, 10:15:05 PM
Okay, we'll end the chapter at the end of August.

Trent, sounds good.  You don't have to worry about structuring your characters with rules too much.  Whatever works for the story.

Omega Fist was originally intended as a parody of Kaioken from DBZ by the way, so it's an appropriate choice for your characters.  (Heh...)

Xorlak, would it be possible for you to reactivate Vincent in this chapter, if we happen to have more time? Or would you rather put him on hold as promised, until the next chapter?

Probably doable soon, if you really need him.  I'm down to a manageable 3 story threads, which I'm comfortable with, and may be cutting one soon so I'll have room for another.

One note:  Can Kronos just revive any dead body anywhere on the planet?  Like he did with that Lizard Man Draven just killed?  You might want to limit that a bit.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 11, 2007, 10:20:34 PM
One note: Can Kronos just revive any dead body anywhere on the planet? Like he did with that Lizard Man Draven just killed? You might want to limit that a bit.

That's only for communication purposes. He can revive at long distances, but those zombies are extremely weak and he can only revive 1-5, 10 maximum. That's why he said that he'd rather get all of them at once - so when he actually comes to North Point in person, he can make a lot of full quality zombies. Analogic to Retan's banshees.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 11, 2007, 10:28:11 PM
Thanks, Xorlak.

In that case, I'll try and be simple with hi-ougi's... They are super-moves that usually have no charging times (Indignation Judgment does, though. I goofed that one up. >_>), so I'll probably hold them back for when my characters are in serious trouble, or to use as a flashy finisher.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 12, 2007, 06:31:52 PM
Xorlak, a while ago, DM brought up an interesting point. Was Haraldur's messing up of Draven's summoning of his demon army intentional? Or would Draven succeed, if it weren't for Haraldur?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on August 13, 2007, 07:20:42 AM
...You are using hi-ougis...
And you called indignation one...

...Or I will Majin-Rengoku-Satsu my mask off and then Satsugeki-Bakouken your characters to the point where even the eternal sword would break.

...I feel so evil.

On a side note, I'm back from my long leave of looking for a victim. Anyone miss me?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 13, 2007, 08:59:58 AM
My brain hurts... It's so annoying when people use these wierd phrases and words...

By the way, who were you again?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 13, 2007, 09:51:09 AM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
Xorlak, a while ago, DM brought up an interesting point. Was Haraldur's messing up of Draven's summoning of his demon army intentional? Or would Draven succeed, if it weren't for Haraldur?

That was intentional.  I wanted to pull Draven out and fully expected Haraldur and the Bad Boys to attack en masse. (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 13, 2007, 12:41:26 PM
Drannic I can't help but realize and now comment on, how your most recent post contains a conversation which seems to be blatantly ripped off from KotOR II. I know coming up with original ideas can be tricky, but I think ripping exact dialogue from games is just being too lazy.

I'm not saying ripping stuff off is bad to do in this RP (everyone has done it at least once), but you could at least do it subtly.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on August 13, 2007, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
I'm not saying ripping stuff off is bad to do in this RP (everyone has done it at least once)

...I never ripped dialogue, anyway...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 13, 2007, 04:18:35 PM
What? Blast! He figured me out... Seriously I had to use that, after beating the game three times in a row with a Jedi Consular on hard mode just calls for such action... I'll change a few lines here and there, but not too much, as my next story plot needs most of which I have written.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 13, 2007, 08:04:51 PM
So rather then coming up with your story or just basing it off of something else, your actually directly using the story from something else? Doriana's back story you have revealed seems just like Kreia (http://'s.

But please replace this line with something more creative.

"There are dark places in this realm where few tred... ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is... such a fragile alliance at best. But there were certain complications... certain members with ambition... and lust for power. You do know that there are techniques within magic... against where there is no defense..."

It's just sooo flippin' obvious. That's Kreia's most memorable line. That one just tipped me off and got me mad, I'm sorry. Hell pretty much every other thing Doriana says is ripped from Keria you just swamped the characters names and replaced "the force" with "magic". I'm going to be honest, because of very obvious rips (to me at least) I didn't like that post.

I really hope you'll be more creative in the future...

EDIT: I made a Beast Man (http:// page. Because I have a feeling that some people might make some beast men characters in the future *ahem*. I also made it for Kelmar. Did he get killed or something? I kinda liked that guy...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 14, 2007, 04:55:41 AM
MAN do I feel uber lame now. I hope that edit was sufficient. If anything else is too badly copying, or is still, just PM me.

But yeah, when I said I wanted to make an evil character, I decided to change past characters to switch sides and become evil. Clever, yes?

Yeah, I think I may have said too much, as that was supposed to be a surprise. Oh well, now you know my reasoning.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 14, 2007, 01:07:20 PM
Well basing a character on Kreia is fine, but actually having the same character just with different name and appearance isn't. But yeah, thanks for understanding, hope I wasn't being too harsh. Wink

EDIT: Oh yeah and in case you don't check any other topics, I made a poll (http:// about a new Nex picture.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 14, 2007, 08:26:59 PM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
EDIT: I made a Beast Man (http:// page. Because I have a feeling that some people might make some beast men characters in the future *ahem*. I also made it for Kelmar. Did he get killed or something? I kinda liked that guy...

Hehehe... sometimes the best characters are totally random.  He was literally the first thing that came to mind as I typed that post.  A chain smoking anthropomorphic skunk mage and knife specialist... yeah, he's gotta come back.  (Heh...)

I will admit I always hated the term "Beast Man", though.  I'll see if I can think of something better.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 14, 2007, 08:55:26 PM
Go ahead and change it if you think of something better. It's just the best thing I could come up with. Well there would be anthropomorphic animal but that's just too long.

I actually kind of find the title lacking a little bit. When I went through that childhood phase with Digimon, the Japanese version of the Beast type Digimon was called Beast Man Digimon and I was like "WTF!? that is gai!!1". Thirteen was such a bad year for me Razz.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 14, 2007, 09:02:43 PM
Dude, Myotismon was so awesome.

Indher seemed to be getting tongue-tied.

"Xeth... Xuhthusz... Xothros... The black guy!"

...That sounded very racist...

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 14, 2007, 09:06:21 PM
"I'm disappointment in you too, kiddo.  Now stand still while I take off your zig."

I hate you Xorlak. Razz But I still love you.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 14, 2007, 10:11:25 PM
DM, I seriously did not get what the heck your comment was about...

Oh, wait, crap! I totally missed that post, sorry. I'll get on it.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 15, 2007, 08:14:20 PM
It'd be awesome if Nex inadvertently slipped into nonsensical English whenever he got angry or upset.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 15, 2007, 08:32:15 PM
You know, I might actually do that. Wink

Oh and by the way Myotismon was a choir-boy compared to the awesome-ness of Devimon and Piedmon. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 16, 2007, 08:17:16 PM
Blasphemy!  Those two had their moments, but nothing can compare to coming from the sky in a carriage drawn by skeletal horses (which may have been on fire, don't quite remember) dropping out the back in a coffin, falling hundreds of feet and bursting from it after it sticks into the ground.  (Heh...)  There was probably something involving bats, but it's been a while.

Then there's, of course, him screaming "Crimson Lightning!!" every ten seconds in battle.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 17, 2007, 01:55:28 AM
Yeah, but can anything be better than Devimon shoving black gears into people's back and making them his slaves? Like, when he first appears he's standing on the mountain just watching them fighting his minions (Leomon and Ogremon).

And what can be more evil than turning people into key chains by throwing a white cloth over them? However, Piedmon DID get killed by an Ultimate levelled Digimon, but MagnaAngemon was actually the strongest good guy character.

Man, Season 1 was so awesome. The other seasons were crap, especially season 3 with that wimpy Takato kid, who was like 15 years old and cried more often then the four year old kid in season 1.

ANYWAYS! I think I may have written the best line ever spoken in anything ever, in my most recent post. I'm glad I followed in on your suggestion for Nex, Xor-guy. [CATS]Make your time.[/CATS]
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Empty Space on August 17, 2007, 09:26:50 PM
I was conscripted by D. Ein into the DAL world =P

I'd like to join the RP, if my charry is acceptable and if no one has any objections...

Anyways, here is my charry

Name: Xivilai

Gender: Male

Race: Unknown

Age: Forgotten

Job: Unknown

Alliance: None (Neutral to all)

Main hand: Bastard Sword
Off hand: Sword breaker

Specializations:  Shadow magic, Bastard sword

Physical Description:  Standing a little over 6’2.  Lean, wears a large hooded cloak that doesn’t move in the wind.  No eyes, skin is black and shriveled.  


Xivilai was an inhabitant of Romme when it was destroyed by the MDAA.  The interrupted spell ripped apart his body but he managed to cling on to his life-force.  Using his will, he was able to draw in the residual shadow energy and bind it to himself.  He was a sentient ball of shadow energy, chained to Romme’s blasted ruins.  Having thought himself condemned to this fate, Xivilai was extremely shocked when Romme reappeared beneath him after Gaia cast the world healing spell.  
The healing spell hardened the shadow energy to which was bound, causing it to solidify into a physical entity.  Xivilai was then stuck on the island until a band of looters arrived, searching for valuables they could sell.  After killing the looters, Xivilai stole their boat, and shoved off with it.  After a week of drifting, he crashed onto the southeastern part of Tjed.

Dark Shredder:  Xivilai draws upon shadow energy which is then shattered and propelled into the target.  While doing no physical damage, it completely shreds any dark magical energy attached to the target.  
Soul gorge:  If the brain and heart of a recently dead victim, or a victim drawing its last terminal breath, is mixed into a stew and then consumed, it will give a portion of the soul’s strength to Xivilai

Blackout:  Creates a dark magical barrier around Xivilai that briefly negates mild damage.

Shadow step:  Xivilai is able to fade away into any shadow, which is roughly his size or larger, and fade back into existence in shadow a short distance away.  

Caustic blood:  The blood of Xivilai will corrode metal within 30 minutes if not cleaned off.

Heart of Shadows:  As Xivilai shadow grows, his shadow power increases.

Sight beyond sight:  Xivilai has no eyes, but can see like a hawk in light or darkness

Acidic saliva: Xivilai’s saliva is acidic, and will burn through flesh, wood, cloth, and leather, but will barely dissolve stone, and has no affect on metal.

Edits: Slight touch up..
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 17, 2007, 09:38:39 PM
Welcome to DAL, Empty Space!

That's a cool character. I see Ein must have told you enough about DAL. I'll give you the okay just make sure to include, Gender, Race, Age, Job and Alliance, as stated in the rules. Just putting None or Unknown in any of those areas is fine. Oh and the Main and Off hand thing is not necessary to have, but if you want to put it there then go ahead.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 17, 2007, 10:39:24 PM


Just kidding. Welcome to DAL.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 17, 2007, 11:37:46 PM
Hmm... that name sounds farmiliar...

Anyways, nice character! Nothing much I can say that's already been said.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 18, 2007, 10:19:40 AM
Empty: Heck yes.

That's the most creative character we've seen in a while.  Welcome to DAL!  Feel free to jump in at any time.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 19, 2007, 01:33:49 PM
Indeed. Very nice character.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 22, 2007, 07:08:29 AM
GASP! Dark Spartan only has six out of the ten top posts! One is Xorlak's, and two are DM's. Mine's still at top.  Cool
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on August 22, 2007, 08:28:17 AM
Only SIX?! Oh noes!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 22, 2007, 12:10:03 PM
Oh yeah, my Ophelia reveals everything post. I actually didn't think it would have been as long as my first chapter 14 post. Meh, guess it's longer.

Oh by the way, Drannic I've noticed you had Bjendell mention Welken to somebody. You probably shouldn't have your characters talk about what they're doing with other people, since Duilin said he wanted to keep quiet about what they were doing. You know, just for realism and consistency in the story.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 22, 2007, 04:11:32 PM
Thand was Bjendell's old mentor in the ways of healing magic and potion-alchemy. He trusts him with his life, and his death... and yes, his soul, too... wait, do angels have souls? Or are they souls? Point is, they're good friends.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 22, 2007, 07:50:05 PM
Although Renard didn't talk to Ben, he was kinda specific with Duilin that if the Retan caught wind of the plot, every single member of his family, all his friends, and everyone he ever knew would die a horrible, horrible death.  (Heh...)

GASP! Dark Spartan only has six out of the ten top posts! One is Xorlak's, and two are DM's. Mine's still at top. Cool

Heh...  I didn't even realize I was still a contender.

Blast, I need to learn reg. expressions so I can parse PHPBB's goofy tags so the text looks right.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 22, 2007, 10:55:28 PM
Drannic: Well, I made the first angel character, Aegidius. He implied that angels are souls or spirits, who appear like the typical angel when they are in Heaven/Paradise/Asgard. But when they go to mortal realms, they obtain a mortal body. An angel without a soul would likely be a fallen angel.

Xorlak: Yeah, I've also noticed a few odd things in the chapter archives, such as part way through all the text turns red.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 24, 2007, 07:12:36 PM

Xorlak, me and Coriko have a little side story for Coriko and Wilham planned out. They're going to some sort of 'futuristic' dimension. Nothing TOO crazy, but we won't bring any of the crazy items that there might be back into Gaian, plus most of the stuff we have planned won't affect the 'real Gaian world' so it'll keep the main story balanced.

Hope this is okay, because I'm going to put some of it in my next post, since we're short on time. Heheh...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 25, 2007, 10:17:42 AM
Sounds okay to me.  We've already got mechs and super suits running around, and I just turned Vincent into T-1000.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 25, 2007, 01:48:40 PM
The long silver blade reminded me of the most disturbing thing I saw in movies - the part in Terminator 2 where the evil dude kills the guy by stabbing him in the eye with that silver thing... I hate anything to do with eyes! No! Not the eyes! Anything but eyes!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on August 26, 2007, 03:35:00 PM
You mean like the one in your avatar?

Ehh, next chapter should be fun, but I'd like a long break...

EDIT: Oh, isn't Xivilai one of those Oblivion races? I mean, those blue guys with horns...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on August 26, 2007, 04:02:19 PM
I knew that name sounded farmiliar! It's still a cool character none the less.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Empty Space on August 27, 2007, 07:37:09 PM
Quote from: "Jenia"
Oh, isn't Xivilai one of those Oblivion races? I mean, those blue guys with horns...

I don't know, I've never played Oblivion =P
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 28, 2007, 06:42:57 AM
Hey, is the fight between Anti and the elites over?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 28, 2007, 10:37:48 AM
Technically, since they jumped into the lava pool were Nex was sinking in. But I wouldn't run off just yet...[xorlak](Heh...)[/xorlak]
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on August 28, 2007, 11:02:10 AM
In how much days the chapter ends?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 28, 2007, 11:16:51 AM
The chapter ends August 31, so about three days.

Think I'll wrap it up for Gorus and Vandrin now.

EDIT: Oh Xorlak, next time you update the maps you might want to put 'Vandrin Ruins' were the Vandrin County used to be.

EDIT 2: Oh and I'd like to say, that this story me and Coriko have isn't 100% original. But I'll refrain from ripping off too much from what we're 'fan-fictioning'.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 29, 2007, 12:52:30 AM
DM, you can stop using the xorlak tags now.

Sorry for the absence. My video card burnt out, couldn't start the computer up. Now it's fine, though.

Though it looks no one really noticed.


Such is the life of a genius... Neglected during his time, glorified posthumously. Here's a rose for everyone to see: --'-,-@
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 29, 2007, 06:45:53 PM
I got bored and made this.

Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 29, 2007, 09:40:53 PM
who's the guy with the white capewing thing?

*starts walking towards DM to punch him for no reason*


Oops. Sorry, Rink. I'll get someone to scrape you off the floor.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 29, 2007, 11:11:06 PM
That's Bjendoll! Can't you read? Razz

Heh yeah, I tried to fit the 'Dippy style' as well as I could. I'd have to say I did it pretty well.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on August 30, 2007, 09:51:12 PM
As you've probably noticed, I haven't exactly been hardcore posting recently. My senior year in high school just started and a lot of college-level classes mean a lot of homework, meaning I don't have as much time as I used to. I DO get to come home early on some days though...

Anyway, same old apology-for-not-posting crap as before, posts for now may be far and few, but as soon as I get more time I'll try to write more.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Trent on August 30, 2007, 10:11:28 PM
The comic is an epic victory.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 31, 2007, 12:09:29 PM
Virmir (http:// has been cartoon-ified.

Chapter ends in a few hours!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on August 31, 2007, 01:52:18 PM
Hey! I managed to sneak in my final post for the chapter before it ended!
And I kinda gave Xorlak more work!
Huzzah, I feel so proud of myself!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 31, 2007, 01:57:36 PM
Xorlak: That is so awesome. I really need to try and do that with a couple of my characters. Maybe not Nex, my picture of him is fine.

Maybe I'll try and make a cartoon picture of Gorus, or something...

Jenai: Good for you Razz.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on August 31, 2007, 04:15:09 PM
And that's a wrap, folks.  I know I say this after every chapter... but best chapter yet!  (Heh...)

Chapter 15 will be take off right where we left off here.  I.e. no night rest.

Hey! I managed to sneak in my final post for the chapter before it ended!
And I kinda gave Xorlak more work!
Huzzah, I feel so proud of myself!

Nah, the dragon's sleeping.  (Heh...)
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on August 31, 2007, 07:39:14 PM
If it's one thing that really angers me, it's the deliberate misspelling of proper nouns. It's Jenia. Not Jenai. Jenia is a valid Russian name. Jenai sounds like a character from Street Fighter.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on August 31, 2007, 11:30:12 PM
It's because of the Xenai/Xenia thing. Trent spent two year smashing it into our heads its Xenai, so remember A before I. Now Jenia comes along and messes us all up.

And seriously, it's two letters that pretty much make the same sound (but they don't).
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on September 01, 2007, 03:32:58 AM
OMG!!! *Gasp* Look! He has returned! And just in time for... the blasted RP to end...

Ahh crap...

I still think chapter 10 was the best yet, though.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 01, 2007, 05:58:10 PM
Chapter 7 is my favourite.

EDIT: Drannic, just a reaction to your signature: exactly what did you like about Elfen Lied? I watched it, and I admit, while it was executed very nicely (good colours, artwork, sprays of blood, etc), the main character (antagonist? Antihero?), the red-haired girl is far too powerful. People aren't supposed to be that strong. Like, nothing stopped her for the first several episodes, nothing - and it wasn't a good type of god-character like Vash from Trigun, but a terrible one, since she's evil. So, do tell - what do you find good about it?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on September 01, 2007, 08:15:27 PM
D. Ein: I just feel bad for her miserable past. She's had to endure kids picking on her when she was in school, a friend betraying her, a dog that she loved being beaten and killed infront of her, and not to mention what the research facility has made her endure. I just liked how the storyline played out. She got revenge and made up for her mistakes in the past. I've watched the whole first season, and the special episode 14, and god, I really want the 2nd season to come out. It's only a rumor, but I heard it's supposed to come out 2008 - 2009. Man, that sucks!

DM: Wtf!? Why does Ben eat glue, might I ask? That's a little... messed up in my books, but whatever. Strange, but it's not really anything I care about enough to argue.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 02, 2007, 09:25:44 AM
But paint, paint makes total sense, right?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on September 02, 2007, 03:52:48 PM
Actually, come to think of it, no. Why can't they all eat something cool, like puppies, or babies? That would be awsome... But whatever.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 02, 2007, 04:15:19 PM
Eating puppies and babies is cool!?!

Okay, you've got issues dude...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dark Spartan on September 02, 2007, 05:58:03 PM
It could be worse.

You could be harvesting little girls for a special genetic material that allows you to obtain new powers bound directly to your genetic code in an undersea city in the Atlantic Ocean in 1960.

Big Daddies rule.

...Am I the only one here with an Xbox 360? I know BioShock is for PC as well, but even my high-power rig would be brought to its knees by it.

Plus, Achievements.

'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on September 02, 2007, 06:54:56 PM
It might be a little insane, but whatever. Besides, it's not like you're really eating a puppy or a baby. It's a bloody drawing!

Maybe you are right... Maybe I have issues...

OMG! My b-day is tomorrow! =) I'm getting 150$ to spend on anime dvds! Yay!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 02, 2007, 09:21:31 PM
Eating puppies and babies isn't funny...or is it?... Confused

Well actually it CAN be. Like for satire if you want to exaggerate how bad a person is.

Like say a comic were Vampz and Colin dine on puppies and babies and then engage in Satin worship. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on September 02, 2007, 10:31:01 PM
Eating babies is nice as long as cannibalism is socialy accepted.
Eating puppies is fine and dandy as long as you are korean (no intention of racism here).
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 03, 2007, 08:47:01 PM
Jenia: "? ?? ????, ??????? ??? ?? ??? ? ????????? ??? ???." ... "??? ????? ?????, ???... ? ?? ????? ? ???? ???????? ???????????? ? ???? ????? ?????????. ??.

??????. ????-???? ????, ? ??????? ??? ?????????? ???, ??? ????. ???? ??? ??????, ????, ?????? ?????????. ???????? - ??????. ?????, ????, ??????????? ????????. ?? ???? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ??? ?? ?????????. ????? ??? - ??????? ???? ? ???????????, ??????? ? ???????????? ???????. ??? ???? ????????? ????? ?????. ??? ? ???? ???? - ?????????, ?????? ?????. ? ??? ????? ???, ??????. ??????? ???????? ??? ??????????. ? ????? ??????, ??????, ?????? - ??????, ????? ??????. ?? ? ??????? ??? ??? ????????????. ????????? ????, ????????. ????? ?????????, ??????? ???, ????? ??????????. ??? ??????. ????? ?? ????? ??? ? ??????. ? ??? ???????.

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Read that. I don't feel like translating it for everyone else, but there it is. I think it's quite interesting.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on September 03, 2007, 10:46:24 PM
Let us see what says!

"I do not know who you communicated with imams or not." ... "This is such dregs that ... I would be in such a shot off, and even personally dug. would.

Example. Once was Baba, whose son was a minor, five years. Gil without a man, one buhala constantly. Apartment-priton. Dirt, think, neprolaznoe blyadstvo. At khat regularly met some people drink the same interests. Among them are veteran of fighting in Afghanistan, people with broken heads. In a constantly been axe. It was his friend, an alcoholic, a former cook. And here they sit, buhayut. Woman apartments already otrubilas. A swinging away, crying, playing, prevent, in a word. And veteran gave him a clip round the ear. Boy fell, cried. E. vzbesilsya, grabbed him, told quiet. He cries. Then he took it into the bathroom. And there Lopes.

Called a Bridesmaid-cook. Led by experienced cooking their child straight in the bathroom razdelali. Down meat in pot. We have, stirred mother, and the entire refugee-eight people went on nature. Skewers of child iit. Naturally start. The mother fed her son.

When all detained, then beaten so that they were all colored asphalt as purple-blue. A tolku- it?

Another Cannibal zhral our local friends. And, strictly at home. Invited, watering, killed, razdelyval a special machine (personally built under their lyudoedskie needs). Then quietly prepared and zhral. Cooking was noble: soup and boiled and fried pechenku and meat for the winter rolled, and bone koptil enough. So, it is, their buddies, which has not been gobbling, svezhatinkoy under the posh Vancouver.

When brought him home stores were not considered. Simply navaristogo soup of chelovechiny - desyatilitrovoe bucket. On interrogation not tailsya not lied. Presented with dignity directly: Agha, zhru people. I like, mol, the case. And many of those I start! And more would zhral if you are caught.

What is strange, none of them produces abnormal impression. Most ordinary people. What, in fact, terribly. Like, and there was there with a nothing frightening and even dangerous, people like people. Normally talk, jokes short. Only within their lives Zver. Coast, which is not human. This is the imams. Extreme. And there is nothing funny and m.. See him in the eye and the mind is death. True, not his. "


I think google failed.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on September 04, 2007, 10:20:29 AM
To those of us who do not speak russian, here is a brief, simple sum up of the text above-

This text included two (real life I presume) stories about cannibals.
The first was about a drunk mother in a stinky apartment and her child.
A crazy war veteran who always carries an axe and has an alcoholic friend who is an ex-cook went to her house to get drunk. When the mother was out of it and the kid annoyed the veteran, the kid was sliced in the bathroom and, with the ex-cook's help, got the meat in a decent shape. Then they woke up the mom and went to have a BBQ in the woods with 8 other people.

The second story was about some known chef who ate his own friends by inviting them to his house, getting them drunk, then killing them and cooking them, then eating them. Those he did not eat, he made sure to feed well.

After the two stories, it sums up that cannibals are real people who look perfectly normal and one should be very, very afraid of them as they are not a subject for jokes.

Now for my input. BS.
Not the stories - They were cool.
But I don't see anything wrong with cannibalism...
I believe a person should do what they think is right, even if all their deeds are selfish or illegal. If a person thinks that killing me is a right thing and they attempt murder, I will not say they did anything wrong (but I won't just let them do it, either. I have my own beliefs, you know).
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 04, 2007, 05:54:57 PM
I think if a person's beliefs involve killing a person, they're pretty messed up.

No offence Jenia but if you ran for a political position in my country, I wouldn't vote for you, in fear of having you try to legalize murder. Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on September 04, 2007, 10:34:17 PM
"Run" for a political position?
I don't believe in being voted for by fools. I'd rather just conquer Canada :p

And even if I did, I wouldn't legalize murder. You must be dreaming if you think that...
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Drannic_Lord01 on September 04, 2007, 11:43:19 PM
Wow... I say one really insane thing, and everyone on this forum takes it ten levels up... wtf...

On another strange note, I noticed in my inbox, I have -1 unread messages. That kinda threw me off a bit as I tried to search for the message, thinking that the -1 was a mistake. Seeing that all of my messages weren't new, I just told myself that I'm going insane. Anyone want to argue with that, shut up now. I'd rather kill myself with a screw driver than hear another useless arguement.

I think I made my point.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on September 05, 2007, 01:37:16 PM
Yo people. When the new chapters starts, would anyone want to let me join their .. RP?
I mean, it's boring when you are alone, so I ask if I can join up with someone.
My char is here; http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 05, 2007, 02:22:20 PM
Somebody please do something about sizing that image down to manageable size.

Sure, we'll work something out, Mikado.

As for Jenia: you seem to be following the general dogma of a religion, or a belief system, I don't know, called Thelema: Do what thou wilt. In this case, you think the same way as Aleister Crowley, which makes you the Devil's foot soldier.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 05, 2007, 02:51:35 PM
Mikado: Sure, it looks like your character might be a "good guy" (ie: would be against the Dark Empire) and if I recall correctly, your character is in Tjed. Perhaps if your character was able to get into the capital Tjedon (the only way to get in, is through the sewage system.) He could join up with a few freedom fighters that are inside a house.

Oh and I fixed something on your page, if you wish to make a link to a user page you should put [[User:Mikado|Mikado]].

Drannic: What are you babbling about? Razz
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on September 05, 2007, 03:02:59 PM
Quote from: "D. Ein"
you seem to be following the general dogma of a religion, or a belief system, I don't know, called Thelema: Do what thou wilt.

If you say so.

Quote from: "D. Ein"
In this case, you think the same way as Aleister Crowley, which makes you the Devil's foot soldier.

LIES! Just because I believe that one should follow their beliefs to the bitter end, you say such a thing!? You just labeled christianity, judaism and islam as satanic religions.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on September 05, 2007, 05:47:03 PM
Well now we have had our off-topical fun, but I must ask that any further non-DAL discourse be directed to the off-topic forum (http://
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 05, 2007, 10:01:49 PM

Xorlak, you're too serious. I'd post there, but you never read that forum, anyway.

When's the signups coming up? Like to give it another week or two?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Mikado on September 06, 2007, 09:44:37 AM
Quote from: "Dude Man"
Mikado: Sure, it looks like your character might be a "good guy" (ie: would be against the Dark Empire) and if I recall correctly, your character is in Tjed. Perhaps if your character was able to get into the capital Tjedon (the only way to get in, is through the sewage system.) He could join up with a few freedom fighters that are inside a house.

Oh and I fixed something on your page, if you wish to make a link to a user page you should put [[User:Mikado|Mikado]].

Yes, thank you Smile.
Sewers you say? This means the capital is underground..?
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Jenia on September 06, 2007, 09:47:53 AM
Yeah. Speaking of DAL...
I am making a comic during my physics lessons since they are easy and boring and I ace them anyway.
As a filler, I used the DAL crew (http://

For those of you who cannot tell, the characters in the top panel are Retan&Draven, the middle are Kronos and Dulin, and bottom are Kerig and Weloss.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 06, 2007, 02:39:08 PM

<3 Jenia <3
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 06, 2007, 02:42:54 PM
Quote from: "Mikado"
Yes, thank you Smile.
Sewers you say? This means the capital is underground..?

No. The entire capital is covered over in an energy shield because the Dark Empire has taken it over.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on September 06, 2007, 06:28:03 PM
The ritual for Druid has like two posts left, would it possibly be okay if when we start the new chapter we asume it has been fully summoned. Nothing else yet, just that the island is summoned.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on September 06, 2007, 08:11:44 PM
Quote from: "Jenia"
Yeah. Speaking of DAL...
I am making a comic during my physics lessons since they are easy and boring and I ace them anyway.
As a filler, I used the DAL crew (http://

For those of you who cannot tell, the characters in the top panel are Retan&Draven, the middle are Kronos and Dulin, and bottom are Kerig and Weloss.

Gah ha ha!!

This is priceless.

Yes, thank you
Sewers you say? This means the capital is underground..?

The three airships that are hovering above the city have magical shield generators that covered the entire city in a translucent dome.  The main southern gate remains uncovered, but this is heavily guarded by lizard men by now and would be impossible to break through without a huge army.  The Dark Empire remains clueless of the pipes at the end of a ditch north of the city that lead to the sewage system, though.

Honestly, though, there's not much to be done here at the moment as I don't plan on letting the city get liberated until a certain event happens elsewhere in the world. (Heh...)

The ritual for Druid has like two posts left, would it possibly be okay if when we start the new chapter we assume it has been fully summoned. Nothing else yet, just that the island is summoned.

This is perfectly fine.  You didn't really have to keep track in the first place, although you did well not to summon something that big all at once.  (Heh...)

Xorlak, you're too serious. I'd post there, but you never read that forum, anyway.

Of course I do.  No one posts things interesting enough for me to reply to there, though.  (Heh...)

When's the signups coming up? Like to give it another week or two?

Oh, blast it.  It's been a week already, hasn't it?  (Heh...)  I suppose next weekend, unless people are in favor of a longer break.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 06, 2007, 09:29:57 PM
Please, don't get me wrong - I'd like it to be as soon as possible. I'm just considering your affinity for long breaks, so I thought you might leave it for another week or so. If we can open up the signups this weekend, then I'm all for it.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Dude Man on September 07, 2007, 02:08:45 PM
I suggest the break after chapter 15 be a long one. I'm assuming the Dark Empire will be defeated or at least/most Retan will be.

It'll keep up the sort of tradition of nearly having a storyline break every five chapters.

Yet chapter 1-3 and 4-5 could be considered separate stories.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on September 07, 2007, 04:36:52 PM
I'm not ready for it yet this weekend, so it'll have to be next.  And I do plan on having Retan "fall" next chapter and then having some passage of time between 15-16 storywise.  Although we don't necessarily have to do a longer than normal break.
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Coriko on September 07, 2007, 07:01:42 PM
thannk you Xorlak
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 11, 2007, 07:46:01 PM
Open the signups! Open the signups! Much to post, none to wait!
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: Xorlak on September 11, 2007, 08:15:35 PM
Title: Re: Dark Age Legends, Chapter 14 -- Sign Ups
Post by: D. Ein on September 14, 2007, 08:47:34 PM
*Casts spell to open DAL*