« on: July 27, 2004, 10:04:56 PM »
Im having trouble correctly implementing the funcitonality that I want in my battle system with the savescreen/restorescreen. Right now Im using cache screen, but I dont watnt to have to use a plugin. I was hoping someone could give me some pointers on when and where to put them in order to get the effect.
heres the main battle code:
#Method battle(benemy[1]$, benemy[2]$, benemy[3]$, benemy[4]$, backgroundpic$, run$)
#NewPlyr ("Damien.tem")
#battleend! = 0
#charactersplayed! = 0
#enemiesplayed! = 5
*cursor settings
#cursor0! = 120
#cursor1! = 140
#cursor2! = 158
#cursor3! = 175
#cursor4! = 193
#cursor5! = 210
*****Main While******
#While(battleend! = 0)
#input$ = ""
#if(playablecharacters! > 0)
#if(charactersplayed! < playablecharacters!)
#if(charactersplayed! >= playablecharacters!)
#Mwin("Enemies turn to fight")
#battleend! = 1
#if(playablecharacters! = 0)
#battleend! = 1
#if(numenemies! = 0)
#battleene! = 1
#Method positionplayers()
#y_to_player! = 1.3
#For(i! = 0; i! < 4; i! = i! + 1)
#y_to_player! = y_to_player! + 1.7
*#if(hp[i!]! = 0)
#if(hp[i!]! ~= 0)
#Method listchars()
#x_to_text! = 1
#x_to_pic! = 3
#For(i! = 0; i! < 4; i! = i! + 1)
* #Mwin(playerhandle[i!]$)
#if(playerhandle[i!]$ ~= "")
#GetHP(playerhandle[i!]$, hp[i!]!)
#code$ = "#playerprofile$ = " + playerhandle[i!]$ +"profile.gif"
#x_to_text! = x_to_text! + 3
#x_to_pic! = x_to_pic! + 126
#Method Drawbars()
#barlength! = 70
#barstart! = 70
#aroundbarlength! = 71
#aroundbarstart! = 69
#textstart! = 4.7
#For(i! = 0; i! < 4; i! = i! + 1)
* #Mwin(playerhandle[i!]$)
#if(playerhandle[i!]$ ~= "")
*Write Player's name
*draw surrounding HP blue rectangle
* #ColorRGB(255,255,255)
* #aroundbarend! = aroundbarstart! + aroundbarlength!
* #DrawRect(aroundbarstart!,399,aroundbarend!,418)
*draw HP black bar
* #ColorRGB(0,0,0)
* #blackbarend! = barstart! + barlength!
* #FillRect(barstart!,400,blackbarend!,417)
*draw current HP bar
* #ColorRGB(155,9,34)
* #actlength! = hp[i!]!/maxhp[i!]! * barlength!
* #hpbarend! = barstart! + actlength!
* #FillRect(barstart!,400,hpbarend!,417)
*Write the HP on the bar
#Text(textstart!, 27.2,"1000/1000")
*draw surrounding MP white rectangle
* #ColorRGB(255,255,255)
* #aroundbarend! = aroundbarstart! + aroundbarlength!
* #DrawRect(aroundbarstart!,429,aroundbarend!,448)
*draw MP black bar
* #ColorRGB(0,0,0)
* #blackbarend! = barstart! + barlength!
* #FillRect(barstart!,430,blackbarend!,447)
*draw current MP bar
* #ColorRGB(0,0,240)
* #actlength! = mp[i!]!/maxmp[i!]! * barlength!
* #mpbarend! = barstart! + actlength!
* #FillRect(barstart!,430,mpbarend!,447)
*Write the MP on the bar
#Text(textstart!, 27.9,"<mp[i!]!>/<maxmp[i!]!>")
*set up variables for next loop
#textstart! = textstart! + 7.9
#aroundbarstart! = aroundbarstart! + 140
#barstart! = barstart! + 140
#if(hp[i!]! ~= 0)
#playablecharacters! = i! + 1
#Method loadenemies()
#for(k! = 1; k! <= numenemies!; k! = k!+1)
#code$ = "#enemyprg$ = enemy" + benemy[k!]$ + ".prg"
#code$="#LoadEnemy_"+ benemy[k!]$
#Method positionenemies()
#for(l! = 1; l! <= numenemies!; l! = l!+1)
#if(enemy_hp[l!]! ~= 0)
**#MWin("Enemy <l!>'s x is <Enemy_X[l!]!> y is <Enemy_Y[l!]!>")
#SetImageTransparent(Enemy_Pic[l!]$, Enemy_X[l!]!,Enemy_Y[l!]!, Enemy_Width[l!]!, Enemy_Height[l!]!,255,255,255)
#if(enemy_hp[l!]! ~= 0)
#numenemies! = numenemies! - 1
#Method playerschoice()
#if charactersplayed! < 4)
#if(hp[charactersplayed!]! = 0)
#charactersplayed! = charactersplayed! + 1
#if(hp[charactersplayed!]! ~= 0)
#charactersplayed! = charactersplayed! + 1
#Method highlightplayer(playernum!)
#x1! = playernum! * 150 + 9
#x2! = playernum! + 1 * 150 + 4
#Method showmenu(playernum!)
#Text(11, 6, playerhandle[charactersplayed!]$)
#Text(11, 7.5, "Fight")
#Text(11, 8.5, "Item")
#Text(11, 9.5, "Special")
#Text(11, 10.5, "Magic")
#Text(11, 11.5, "Defend")
#Text(11, 12.5, "Run")
#battleoption! = 0
#battlemoveto! =0
#While(battleoption! = 0)
*do fight stuff
#Push("EEE", playerhandle[charactersplayed!]$)
#for(j! = 17; j! <=19; j!=j!+1)
#Stance(20, playerhandle[charactersplayed!]$)
#battleoption! = 1
*do defend
*do ability stuff
*#action$ = "Ability"
*#Mwin("Pick a character")
*#action$ = "Stats"
#battleoption! = 1
#Setmoveto(a$,5, battlemoveto!)
#Method SetCursor()
#code$ = "#cursory! = cursor" + battlemoveto$ + "!"
#SetImage("cursor.gif", 155, cursory!, 14, 9)
#Method Setmoveto(movement$,limit!, moveresult!)
#If(#moveresult! < limit!)
#Method BattleEnd()
#if(playablecharacters! = 0)
#MWin("Game Over")
#if(playablecharacters! ~= 0)
#NewPlyr ("Damien.tem")
Many thanks