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Topics - Sophia

Pages: [1]
GameStudio 43 / (no subject)
« on: November 01, 2004, 08:53:33 AM »
Posted this on my site a while ago, but since no one goes there and this forum looks a little dead... I'm posting it here. Razz

GameStudio 43 / (no subject)
« on: September 11, 2004, 11:48:42 AM »
Did you guys see my site? All the images are missing... Must be the result of the new server transfer for MS.

Spyder e-mailed me earlier to get my account re setup, but I completely forgot to reply until today... So my site must have looked like that for at least a week, eh? Razz

Anyways, there are no new updates at the site anyways... unless you count the gs43 comic I uploaded back in July... Razz

Oh and if anyone has the latest copy of Rudolph's adventure, can they do me a huge favor and submit the file to MS? I think the file is called something like "", thanks!  I have a copy on Flatface, but they locked that file on me and I can't transfer it. :/

GameStudio 43 / (no subject)
« on: September 24, 2003, 05:15:36 PM »
This time it's not just his domain, his boards went down as well...

So I did the only thing I could, I link back to the old boards with ads...

Not that this affect you much, since you guys use this board... but I just felt like whining. Razz

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