Our current webhost is closing it's doors, and we will begin moving MS to a new host starting Monday. Please do not upload any files to your website or to Mystic Software from the time the transfer begins, until the time that we inform you that the transfer is complete. I will post on the forums, as well as the main site when I've begun the transfer. You may continue to post on these forums once the transfer begins. Once the files have been transfered, we will lock these forums so that we can transfer the databases to the new server. A URL will be posted here, as well as on the front page letting you know how to access the new site and forums while we transfer the domain names, which will be the last part of the process.
For those of you with web and email accounts with MS, none of your login information should change. For the most part, I have all of your information, and hopefully won't have to ask anyone for it. All FTP logins should also remain the same. If anything changes, I will post them on this forum, as well as the home page.
If you have any questions, please reply to this message, or contact me through PM or email.