Well, I'm a bit rusty, but i think what works in tk2 should work in tk3 so maybe something like this:
#mwin("young lady: Hey I'm a nameless NPC in this demonstration!")
#mwin("young lady: gosh now that the darkwar has happened, i should probably be less cheerful!")
That's what you would do for a young lady talking (or just about anyone else). Just put the variable you're using in the program that makes whatever has happened happen.
For a locked door:
#mwin("door: hey biyatch I'm not gonna open yet because the dark war hasn't happend! I suppose you'll just have to occupy yourself until then!")
#mwin("door: alright you've waiting long enough, but the gold makes me happy so please don't take any or i'll hate you for the rest of my life.")
That's for if you want a particularly foul door.
And if you want several different things that one character can say:
#mwin("guy: go boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person!")
#mwin("guy: let's be freinds.")
#mwin("guy: Du! du hast! du hast mich! du hast mich gefragt! du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt!)
*if you want your guy to sing RAMMSTEIN
#mwin("guy: joo f00l i r0x0rz 1n my b0x0rz!")
*for the weird ultra 1337 guy
keep in mind though, that this is all untested.