On April 8th, 2005...Dr. James Pope, Principal of Moorhead City Middle School died in a car crash. This was his first, and last, year at Moorhead...but that is not what upsets me. What upsets me is that he was the principal at Hammond Middle School from 2001 to 2004. I had the priveledge of being a student at Hammond from 2001 to 2002, and from that one year that I attended under his authority, I can easily say he was a great man. He was very relaxed and knew how to talk to the students eye-to-eye. Our test scores were up because of him...and nobody in the school ever complained.
I must confess that I never went to the guidance office when I needed help... I went to him. He always knew what to say and how to say it...and I was never there to pay him back. I...couldn't even go to his funeral, as I just now found out.
If I seem really upset for the next few weeks, you guys should understand why.