I was being sarcastic with the Reuben thing....
I think he does post occasionally on TKZ, and I'm stretching that word as far as it'll go. I don't know how often he posts here or on the DA forums, so I can't make comparisons, but he does, occasionally.
Do you even have an account on TKZ? (Well, I guess you probably do...) Is your username the same there as here? Unless you said something that pissed a lot of people off, you aren't hated. And if you did, we don't talk about it! Razz I recently said something that, erm... sort of bashed gay people (*cough*) and I've recently had a bunch of people bringing that up to bash me on completely unrelated topics (and that was before I realized Colin was gay. O_O) And I posted a picture of me and I got in a little, erm, scuffle with a user about my appearance, because apparently, "he doesn't like me." What I did to him, I dunno. :huh: I guess he's got sand in his mangina. Razz
TKZ has a lot of annoying newbies and some midbies that are still annoying. But I guess its better than here in one way, and one only: it's not always dead. <_<