Oh well. Again, my willpower has proved too weak to handle the task I have assumed.
In other words...
...no Satarel Legacy. Poof. Amen. Almost stated.
I am sick of coding custom BS, custom menus, talent system, religion system et cetera!
I will begin work on the new tk3 game, which will use default BS and menus - sorry! I will use the graphics left from Satarel's Legacy, as well as parts of storyline. But the general concept will be different, and the game will be highly linear.
After I'll finish work on this, I might return to working on Satarel's Legacy. I won't delete anything I've done on it so far.
Simple reason; I want people to see at least one game done by me, released, sealed and marked with "done by Cesque".
Saterel Legacy will make centuries, and propably I'll have to change general concept, or make it into sequel to the game I'm doing now whatever...
Again, sorry to people who hate default things, but tk3 BS/menu doesn't lookas bad and ugly as that of toolkit2.
Few things about the new game
- It will be linear
- It will have multiple player characters, but player will start as paladin Gerard
- It will not be based on real world at all... maybe a bit... but no real-world-like map, etc...
- It will be funny, I promise
(ever wondered what if you put paladin and necromancer hating each other in one team?)
- It will be set nowhere in time, but closest to, perhaps, XVII/XVIII century
- Lots of side quests for different characters
- Custom mwin, most likely
This is it. Name yet undecided.