Welcome back... TRAITOR!!!
Nah, just kidding. Welcome back. In either case, I don't think that these forums will be active for the next little while, unless, of course, we make them be active. Here's a few things I wanted to let out.
First of all, I've spent a fair deal of time now organizing what Kandarin will look like in the next chapter. A long time has passed, so there's been plenty of opportunity for Kronos to make some reforms. I was wondering - even though this time it's going to be a fair evil empire vs good empire war (as opposed to evil empire vs a few good heroes, guerilla style), maybe Kronos could still have control of about half the Dark Continent (or maybe the entire continent - the good guys could be based on Ariosis for now). Kandarin will no longer have a fixed capital, and since the old one was blown up, no Kandarinian forces will be located on the Arctic Region anymore.
The second thing is that at the moment, I have absolutely no ideaplans on how Kronos is going to die. Any suggestions?