"Spam" Monty Python's Flying Circus
Room with woman caterer and a group of vikings.
A man and a woman float down onto chairs.
Man: 'Morning
Caterer: 'Morning
Man: What have you got then?
Caterer: Well, there's egg and bacon, egg, sausuage and bacon, egg and spam, egg, bacon and spam, egg, bacon, sausuage and spam, spam, bacon, sausuage and spam, spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam, spam, spam, spam, egg and spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam or lobster doberdoure and crovet with a moyenaise sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy with a fried egg on top and spam.
Woman: Have you got anything without spam in it?
Caterer: Well there's spam, egg, suasuage and spam, it doesn't have much spam in it.
Woman: I don't want any spam.
Man: Why can't you have egg, bacon, spam and sausuage?
Woman: That's got spam in it!
Man: Not as much as spam, egg, suasuage and spam.
Woman: Look, could I have egg, bacon, spam and sausuage without the spam?
Caterer: Ueuergh!
Woman: What do you mean Ueuergh! I don't like spam!!!
Vikings: Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spamidie spam! Wonderful spam! (shows black and white film of viking ship) Spamidie spam! Wonderful spam! ( Caterer: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!) Spamidie spam! Wonderful sp...
Caterer: You can't have egg, bacon, spam and sausuage without the spam.
Woman: Why not?!
Caterer: Naeaeh! It wouldn't be egg, bacon, spam and sausuage, would it?
Woman: I don't like spam!
Man: Don't make a fuss dear, I'll have your spam. I love it! I'm having spam, spam, spam, egg and spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam! (Vikings chant: Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.
Caterer: Baked beans are off!
Man: Can i have spam instead?
Caterer: You mean spam, spam, spam, egg and spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam and spam. ( Vikings chant:Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spamidie spam! Spam! Spamidie spam! Wonderful spam! Spamidie spam! spam...) (enters Hungarian with dirty Hungarian phrasebook)
Man: Yes
Caterer: Ueuergh! Shut up! Shut up!
Hungarian: Spam, spam, great boobies honeybum, my raw intestine is full of spam, spam, spam, bacon, tomato, spam, spam, spam, spam... (Policeman drags off Hungarian) ( Vikings chant)
Caterer: Shut Up!
(enter Historian with the caption "A HISTORIAN")
Historian: Another great viking victory was at the Green Midget Café in Bromley. Once again the Viking strategy was the same: they sailed from these fjords here
( points at map behind him) up to Trondheim and waited for the strong north-easterly winds to blow their open galleys to England whence they sailed on May the twenty third. Once in Bromley, they assembled at the Green Midget Café, and spam, particular selecting spam items on the spam menu ( Historians and Vikings)
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam spam, spam, spam, spamidie spam! Wonderfule spam! Spam, spam! Spamidie spam! Wonderful spam!
Note: the term "spamming" started here.
I like to link to sites, Dawn Of Twilight is a film being made by Cyrus Martin.