Damn! That's what I'm talking about!
The same thing was about USA/USSR moon voyage. First concept of rockets was based on one-line thrusters (or something like that), but it doesn't worked. So Americans built 2 lines. But no, not the stubborn Russians! They upgraded, upgraded, upgraded, until finally achieved technology BETTER than of USA. But USA has already sent people to moon. So, "destroy it", ordered the Party. The scientists have not destroyed it, though, hiding it in hangars where ther rockets were found several years ago, far superior to that of America in times they sent Armostrong to Moon*.
The same with governments... Why resign from what sucks, why not try to upgrade it so that it wouldn't suck?
* Or did they? From all that I know, Moon has no atmosphere, so why the american flag is waving on the wind, eh?