Nah, it's just a name B) It's not you, in any way.
Propably I'll put you as a dwarf in Tyr (sort of my game's iceland).
There are loads of references in my game, for example church in Kodra has fresques based on those from hagia Sophia, icons for spells are based, too (the "jihad", flaming hands I used as avatar once, was based on some art, also "cure" shows the most beautiful religious scene anyone, ever created - the touch between God's thinger and Adam's of Sixtine Chapel by Michangelo)...
Hmm, you can always download the roms... Just let me warn you FF5 sucks, and FF6 / FF4 rock. If you search for FF4, download the HARDTYPE. Through it's harder to find it, it's much more worth it. Playing easytype, you can't say you know everything about the game, and I assume you are a perfectionist in some way, as you might have said somewhere in the endless time...