I should be moving into my own apartment at the end of this month if everything goes as planned. I haven't found one yet, so I don't know how much rent, etc will be, but I'm guessing $500-550 after electricity and cable internet, which is about $250 more than I'm used to paying when living with someone else. This obviously means that cash will be a bit shorter, and I'll have to manage what I spend it on a little more wisely. This could possibly mean cutting down the size of Mystic Software. What my plan is right now is to keep it up fully until I can fully see how much money I'll need, etc. Then Try to cut the cost of hosting in half by taking down my main account at rackhost.net, which costs $25 out of the $50 per month I spend on hosting. I will then move my godivaalpha.com domain to my special rack ($15/mo) and move the mysticsoftware.net domain to my small rack ($10/mo). This will allow me to continue hosting everyone's sites that are sub-hosted under mysticsoftware.net, as well as let me keep all the current games online as well. However, it will drop my webspace from 2100MB's to 1400MB's, which really limits how much extra stuff I'll be able to put up. If it turns out I'm still in desperate need of cash, I will have to remove all of my sites from the internet. As far as I can see it, the liklihood of this happening is very, very low; but I wanted to mention it just in case, and so no one is caught by surprise if all of a sudden there's no more MS. My backup plan is to host MS off my home computer, as I did about a year and a half ago. This means slower download speeds, and downtime will be increased, but at least the site will be up =D. Again, the liklihood of me taking MS completely down is very low. Hopefully I won't have to take any of the servers down.