// You can tell Cheetah is shapeshifter merely because he's still in his cheetah animal form //
// As long as Haraldur is allowed to use 10000 Viking army, I bet you're allowed big demonic monsters, Eon //
"Too late?" - Cheetah thought. "It can't be. IT CAN'T BE! Why does evil always has to win in the end? It is not true, dammit! Iduran would not let himself be killed just like that!"
With a loud roar, Cheetah jumped past Genma toward the door, wanting to shread it apart, but he was blasted away with ki energy.
He stood up, growling, then slowly reverted to human form.
"Dispel the barrer. NOW!" - he said angry like he was never before, really.
"Unfinished business?" - Scorch asked. - "I don't really care, but our fight will make a good party talk when people will light victory pyres around the world when it will be freed from Dark Empire."
He didn't really care much about the consquences this time - Draven had to be stopped. For too long has Scorch fought to give up now. His enemy was Draven and the Dark Empire, and there was nothing now - not even his own power, security or life - which could be more important for him than his goal.
The ruins of the castle in the background reminded him about the previous grand fight that took place among them here - now, he guessed, is time for another one.
His clenched fists began to pulse with electricity and his eyes began to glow with white light.
Gelu seemed to have turned off his consiousness for a bit long time. His thoughts were cleared, he entered a state of deep meditation and the world ceased to exist for him - as if the planet liquided all around him and went down the drain, leaving him in the center of an empty universe.
Fate will tell what will happen. Once it will happen - and will happen the inevitable, victory of Dark Empire - it will be time for Gelu to return to his days of glory.
But now, all was in chaos on the island - and chaos was the enemy of reason which guided Gelu.
At least it seemed like this for him, though he hardly understood self.