Haraldur smiled at the flash, and grabbed the vision's arm. It would cause a force to pull the real figure down towards the Earth, a force he would have to fight.
He held out list left arm, touching the wall. He concentrated, causing a ripping sound to be heard. The dimension exploded out of a hole as it shrunk to nothing.
Behind Alpha Retan, a large hole appeared in the air, where the entire contents of the now destroyed dimension exploded out with great speed, including the characters. At the front was Haraldur charging forwards throwing a lightning bolt before him as he split in mid flight.
"You choose to be destroyed in this dimension. By doing that, you increase the probability of this world's destruction, as you would wish, but it makes no difference, for here, or anywhere else, I will destroy you."
He reassembled while still flying forward, throwing magma before him.
The Great Prophet saw this and said, "Oh, shit."
He hides under a rock, and shields himself, in case of the worst.