// I'll nag at D.Ein to post Wink \\
"Ah ha." Marshal clearly saw Zeros' and Duilin. "Over here!" He yelled
"Wha? Zeros', did you hear that." Duilin said, he turned his head, and spotted Marshal. "Well, I'll be. It's Marshal, what the hell is he doing there?" Marshal, was sitting on a cliff, seems odd why he would be there, and what was that stuff he had on? He swooped over, and hovered a few yards away from him. "How's it goin'?" He said cheerfully. 'Something's not right...'
"Oh, my, It was terrible..." Marshal said sounding frightened
"What, happened?"
"I went back to the Blue Minotaur Temple, and it was gone...Haraldur destroied it, so I went to Crimson Capital, and I saw he tried to destroy there to. I saw you people there to, and well...I followed him back to Laus. I stole some equipment, and possed as one of Haraldur's followers. I herd him talking with some others, and then he started killing people, and then said he was going to destroy Rivertown, next...You must hurry, there. Haraldur's has gone beserk again...I can't stop him, but I know you two can!"
Duilin turned and looked at Zeros'. "What do you think?" He asked
Valos and the others arived at the base camp. Tons of soilders were there getting ready for battle. There was one table reserved for him and the others. He placed the map down on the table, and motioned for the others to group around. He then began to explain his plan
"Allright, now apparently, Haraldur has rigged the ground. I assume the the ground may crack open or huge sprouts of water will blast out, or volcanos will sprout from the ground, or some random shit like that. So, I supose it would be best to enter Laus very carefully! Now, Aura, I want you to group with the newbies as you have been instructed, they may be abit jumpy and scared, don't let them slack off.
Now, Xenai from this base, I want you to head down to Laus, pose as a commoner, or something, try to blend in. Imp, you can enter were ever you want, since your not supost to be seen anyways. Well, try not to. You two gather as much information as possible, try and find out what Haraldur did to the ground. Telepathicly message all information to me. If you get caught, don't run back here, they will follow you, and blow our cover. Now, as soon as I get enough information, about the area, there army size and such, I'll inform Lord Draven about it.
Now, once we attack, we'll send out forces from base camp 1 to attack the north side of the city and the soilders from base camp 2 to attack from the south side, attacking them from both sides, leaveing them nowere to run. We will have a fraction of our forces to guard the front line, once we attack they some may run off and try to attack our camps, we may also get trapped from the rigged ground so, leaveing troops outside would be a wise choice. Now, I don't want the less experinced to pick a fight with Haraldur, he is very strong. Me, Draven, Duilin and Zeros' are probabbly the only ones able to put up a fight. You two spies, I want you to leave ASAP. Any questions?"