//How many of these Frenier's solider guys are there?\\
Duilin, seeing as how he was floating in the air, watched at the soldiers swung swords at them. He eyed them. "What the hell are you guys doing?"
One soldier then tossed a spear at him, he simply staffed to the left to dodge it. He didn't want to waste his uber-electro blast. He continued to charge energy.
Aegidius did mostly the same as Duilin did. But seeing as he wasn't doing anything he swooped down, and smashed his rod at the solders (lmfao I said rod!!11one). He simply just smashed at three of them, yet he swung forward his rod jabbing into his stomach and flipped him over tossing him into the fog o' death.
Rink, was further away, just watching the battle. He was small and probably nobody even noticed him. He seemed to have a natural talent of being ignored. It worked well for him.
"Oh enough of this, this blast should at least be able to crawl around and get to his weaker points, plus he just got out of the fog." Duilin said. He then grasped the mace with lightning energy being charged into it, with his other hand that was also charging energy. His hair began to stick up a bit from the static. Xenai would likely feel a bit of static energy from where he was standing. He backed up a bit.
"Okay, clunky..." Duilin slowly brought back his mace, he then swung it forward. Stopping when it was pointing at Horus. A large yellow blast of lightning shot forth at the machine, if any of those noob soldiers got in the way of the blast, it would likely just vaporize them and continue going, the blast was quite strong and even hurt Duilin a bit, yet would it be enough to hurt Horus?
//So yeah, even though it was only a 2.5 charged post, because most of my Duilin updates were just talking. But he put a lot of energy into it. But hey, that should be fair considering the damage Haraldur's long ass post attack did, and it wasn't even charged for a single full post.\\