Scorch lifted, hovering into the air. Water was dropping from him.
"Seems you like to glow like a christmas tree, Draven. No need to finish my wounds, I'll make sure yours will be better."
Scorch, in the air, put his arms in all possible length to the sides, rised his head and formed a cross-like shape with whole his levitating body. From beneath his long, waving hair eyes shined like sparks as the clouds gathered above the castle, led by some unnatural wind.
Then Scorched closed his eyes, whispering "Ira fulgorum" and lightning strikes were unleashed from the darkened sky at great speed, striking highest points of the castle.
"Oh great, these mad wizards are gonna kill us all..." - said Cheetah, landing near Iduran. He grabbed him, still holding sword with the tail, and thrown, along with the sword, at the outer walls as suddenly a lightning struck the tower they were previously on.
---- (back to Scorch)
And as Scorch began to focus even more, switching his position into more "combat-like" (still in the air), he - to test his new method - "magnetised" one of lightning striking, which struck him, then, passing through his body, gone our where his right hand was pointing - at one of tower, effectively breaking about half of it into bricks.