The lions thing has nothing to do with it. The only reason that lions do not eat all the gazelles is that some run away, and create more gazelles. Also, there are not so many because there is not enough food for a huge number. In 100 years a pair of cockroaches can have 167 billion/milliard descendants. Why then are wqe not flooded with cockroaches? Because not all of them survive. For a less extreme example, in 100 years an elephant would have 20000 descendants.
And that's order. If they wouldn't die off, we would get flooded. If people were immortal, we would get flooded.
The only exception are locust swarms, a tool of God to prevent earth from feeding people with it's grain, lol Laughing
Heisenberg? I've heard of dualistic electronic theory, where electrons appear in certain pools, with the highest propability of appearing somewhere. Yes, it IS chaos, but chaos is a very complicated order - heard of chaos theory? Every smallest thing in the beginning alters the final change. Still, an electron won't fall out of it's "cloud".
I'm not talking about mass of humans, I'm talking about masses of earth and the sun.
And yes it is order. When a life is born, human life, these are 2 small cells combined. These cells have genetic material, which begins to translate and transcript DNA into every single cell. It works in perfect harmony, some basic totipotential cells become nerves, some others create heart, brain, muscles, bones. It's not random, a cell does not randomly change into "muscle" or "bone". It doesn't create human in a random way, it's all perfected so that in 9 months a new, full organism avaliable to live is created.
Not some randomly-created mutant whose eye is at his ass because it's all chaos.