hmm...i check it out Xorlak....(does it work? :huh: )
well, most of them desire the word lesbian, but it still has the same meaning...
(really?...i didnt know he was a homosexual.......)
(how did this topic get into this copnversation anyways?... Wink ....heh....)
Heres the code you wanted Xorlak, I have it set up so that it checks for what the variable is out side of the #While loop so that I can animate a's and example:
#If (a!=150)
#If (a!=300)
#If (a$=confirm$){#RPGCode(itemuse[i!]$)}
#If (a$="UP")
#If (i!=1){#Branch (:itemselector)}
#Branch (:itemselector)
#If (a$="DOWN")
#If (i!=Titem!){#Branch (:itemselector)}
#Branch (:itemselector)
#If (a$=back$)
#Branch (:itemcheckstart)
#If (a$~=confirm$)
#If (a$~=back$)
#If (a$~="UP")
#If (a$~="DOWN")
#Branch (:itemselector)
(Note: any Branches are out of this given program...also, this is an older version of my program...but it still gives the idea of what Im doing...)