Heres the code you wanted Xorlak, I have it set up so that it checks for what the variable is out side of the #While loop so that I can animate a's and example:
Uh oh, branches... (heh...)
It looks like the :itemselector branch gets hit if you press a wrong key, which is what you want. But I'm guessing the program ends because of something in that branch. You want nothing to happen when the user presses a wrong key, right? Here's a quick re-write that does that and eliminates that final branch:
#If (a!=150)
#If (a!=300)
#If (a$=confirm$)
#If (a$="UP")
#If (i!=1){#Branch (:itemselector)}
#Branch (:itemselector)
#If (a$="DOWN")
#If (i!=Titem!){#Branch (:itemselector)}
#Branch (:itemselector)
#If (a$=back$)
#Branch (:itemcheckstart)
Xorlak, i need a lot of help understanding the 2D array thing....its really confusing...
Hmmm, actually you want to do something like this, right?
That'd require a 2D map rather than a 2D array, but I think I can modify Asimir's code to support that:
* Asimir's modified code
#method NumMapIn(arrayname$,arrayx$,arrayy$,arrayvalue!)
#command$ = "#" + arrayname$ + "." + arrayx$ + "." + arrayy$ + "! = arrayvalue!"
#method NumMapOut(arrayname$,arrayx$,arrayy$,arrayvalue!)
#command$ = "#arrayvalue! = " + arrayname$ + "." + arrayx$ + "." + arrayy$ + "!"
Now to do this:
You would do:
And to get the value of that variable, you would do:
And dest! will be where to store the value of what you're looking for.