And you have gigantism.
Oh yeah...I forgot that one :huh:
Huh... I'm amazed your family still lives. Do they lock themselves in underground bunkers with air filters so that no infection can come and sow death among your family members?
Nah, it's not that bad. The stuff they're allergic too is mainly food, like mushrooms, eggs, and milk. My brother, who's the one allergic to eggs, can eat stuff made with eggs, but he can't eat eggs by themselves (like fried eggs, scrambled eggs, etc). He's allergic to bees to. Gets all swollen when stung.
i wish i could say i feel for would be difficult not knowing what it's like livin like that
I honestly try to live like any normal human being. The doctors said that I shouldn't do basically anything that could increase my heart rate, including watching scary movies, amusement park rides, and climbing steps. My parents moved out of our 2 story house because of my heart. I was put on pills that I was supposed to take twice a day, every day, pretty much for the rest of my life (that was before the heart attack). After the heart attack, I threw away the pills as they obviously did nothing to help me; and now I run up and down escalators at work. I love watching scary movies, and someday I'll grow the balls to ride a roller coaster Razz . I'm litterally scared of them. For eight months I rode a bike to work, sometimes in 100+ degree heat. So far no problems aside from a little chest pain, which I can get just by standing up, so I ignore it Laughing I figure by treating my disease like it's not there, it's sort of laughing in the face of God, or nature, or whoever gave it to me...even if it will probably eventually kill me Razz . Everyone dies someday, it's just a matter of when, and how (Braveheart kicks ass Razz)
In yet another ironic twist God dealt, I'm allergic to the medicine that could actually help me (not the pills mentioned above, a different one).
What's really funny is that I'm legally handicapped, except that there's no way to tell just by looking at me. So when I finally save up enough to buy a motorcycle, I'm going to renew my disabled parking permit, and get one of those Disabled liscence plates for my motorcycle. Ah the confusion the police will have with that one Razz