Sheesh TKZ goes down so many times, Much more then Mystic Software.
A nice myth.
Probably due to the fact it's much, much, much more active and so the strains are often higher. 2gb transfer per day and all that.
And I would setup seperate forums - but the issue IS NOT the online availability of the site, but the fact the database cannot be accessed. eg: works fine, since it doesn't access a database.
MS has gone down before...but it's less noticable since the entire TK community doesn't visit it all the time.
The last time we went down was for 2 days at the end of May due to bandwidth constraints.
We went down for another day 2 weeks ago while we transferred servers, the site was closed - not down.
A total of, say, 7 days downtime in 9 months is 97.65% uptime which isn't 99.9%...but it's not awful.
NOTE: I'm not making excuses: I'm pretty angry it's down and doing all I can to get this to be fixed (even setting up a mirror). But don't take it out of context and exaggerate things.