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Messages - Z

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ZStudios / (no subject)
« on: October 28, 2005, 01:47:33 PM »
Hey, welcome to the Z Studios forum thing,
      Here you can talk about anything on or about the site (, games, or anything else you can possibly think of.

General Off-Topic / (no subject)
« on: August 04, 2005, 10:22:40 AM »
Yes i heard it, i was watching TV and about 5 minutes after it happened it interrupted my show... all 309 passengers survived because the piolots and people took the right precasions and did i the evacuation,if you want to call it that, perfectly. But that was a big ass plane.

General Off-Topic / (no subject)
« on: July 29, 2005, 04:18:39 PM »
I've know my dad my whole life but now our relationship is crubling down..... anyway i think you should just talk to hime, maybe form a re-form a relationship with him, just don't bring your mom into it she prolly never wants to see his face again

Zeros' i just read your post, i live in CT too...Bristol (we have ESPN and Lake Compounce[we rock, j/k]) anyway i have been to south windser a few time but have no clue where it is.. i think its somewhere near wallingford where my dad lives (and my 2 sisters and brother)
I have 3 step-sisters, 1 half sister,a step-brother, and an evil step-mother and a brother, thats what you get when parents get divorced and remariied

General Off-Topic / (no subject)
« on: July 19, 2005, 08:57:42 AM »
I am currently reading this topic Very Happy  and my face is all messed up cause i fell off a skateboard, but everyone falls, my nose is all scabbed and there's a golfball sized bump on my head. and my game has made no progress whatsoever.

well um thats it

General Discussion / (no subject)
« on: July 19, 2005, 08:50:06 AM »
Quote from: "Xavier"
The community would die without new users, the world would die without rain. But here's the thing, Dude Man, if you were to go to TKZ and post you would be the "noob". And that's where your outlook falls apart, you are the very thing at TKZ that you complain about.

Now, you'd protest claiming that you've been around longer, used the TK yada, yada, yada....but so have many of what you call "noobs". Don't you see the very reason we have problems is the shitty attitude towards new members that so called "older" members have? It's pathetic.

That is the kind of attitude I want out of the community and sadly most anti-"newbie" sentiments come from people like yourself who do nothing at all to help the Toolkit as a result. I'd almost describe such people as parasites, living off the Toolkit and killing the good things it brings.

The Toolkit was rubbish for a two year stretch with a tiny 30ish community, no new games and no new releases. Just look at how it has come along since we welcomed new users and promoted this environment. Notice how most of the recent leaders in game making and TK development are relative newbies...


Heh for some reason I didn't get that when I joined TKZ , I'm special

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