Thanks for the positives guys. this one is definatly going to be in production, we are aiming to complete it within a year, obviously Demo's and Beta versions will become available before then.
something I forgot to mention, in the game, when you do certain missions you will obtain a code, which you then knock in at our site, and you will unlock "Special Features" for the game... Such as Advanced Arsenal (Adv. Glock 17, Adv. Bennelli Shotgun) other special features will include scans of the book that me & my mate, kris first got the ideas from...
@ Cesque-guest -- I think that one Racist group is enough for this game. lol.
@ DarkEite -- We will be having the turn based battle system, but hopefully if Kris gets off his arse, and promises this "new" battle Prg, this will make battles not turn based, but full intereactive, such as the enemys could attack you twice, you would attack maybe if you could, then they attack again, basically like real fighting, so then you dont know where the next Punch is coming from.
I have recently been discussing with kris on maybe the possibilitie of Enroling more TK'ers into the team, If this does go through, would anyone be interested? (Obviously then it would be released quicker.)
Forgot to mention also that when missions are conducted, most of them wont take place in the actual Town, but in the city of london. (this means there will often be a change of scenery)
## Kris is yet to agree on this, but I have thought of the Idea of having a branching storyline (kinda like True Crime: SOLA) where you would never have to play the same mission Twice.##
Any more Ideas from you guys would be very appreciated, dont be afraid to submit them to us.
my email is doesnt check his mail often though)
''''UPDATED FEATURES''''In the game, the Drugs trade is also there. and the diffrent drugs will sell for diffrent prices to the diffrent gangs, if you bought drugs from the Yardies (cheap) and sold them to the Punks (gullible) you would get more money than you would if you sold it to the Greaton Mob (sensible, organised).
Also we are going to have propertys to buy, Restuarants to eat at (and Buy) Companys to buy, Vehicles to buy (sell for loads)
and say when you buy like a bottle of alcohol, whiskey for example, it would Increase your FP, but Lower your DP (Status Affects as well) these conditions may vary to the actual quality of the Alcohol.
also the inclusion of seemingly pointless things such as: Toothbrushes, Marbles.. e.t.c, everything you can get in real life.
you can buy books, which tip you about fighting and defending, visit Dojo's to increase your Normal H2H FP, buy maps in the tourist office Blah Blah Blah.
We still need a name for the main character however, the first 5 Ideas I will add to a poll and we will see which one wins. THIS IS YOUR chance to add something to the game!!
Keep posting!!! ...
p.s. the site is now up! (its pants, but hey...its got a chatroom, a forum!!! Wooooo)