Screw all of my other projects. This is going to be my primary focus:
Title: FF7 Dating Sim
Type of Game: Dating Sim
Number of Girls: 3
Girls: Yuffie, Tifa, and Aerith
Different stats: Int., Str., Charm
Will play similar to Hentai:Simgirl on NG, except no fight engine (unless I can talk the Aljo Brothers into making one for me Razz )
Target Rating: Teen (unlike the guys who submit to NG, I know where to draw the line; there will be NO nudity or anything)
# of Players: 1...possibly 2 in an online feature that will allow you to flirt with a real person online and simulate an actual date, as opposed to using AIM
All GFX will be original, except for the main gfx for Tifa, Yuffie, and Aerith.
All music will be original Smile