You may or may not know that we will be moving servers very soon. The move will allow me to save nearly $500 a year, while giving MS more space, and combining all four servers into one, so good things all around. Before the transfer, the databases will be backed up, and this forum locked. During the transfer, MS and all hosted sites will probably go down for a while. Hopefully no longer than a day, and even better if it's less. After the transfer, it could be possible for all hosted sites to get an increase in disk space. I'm not going to guarantee anything, but it is definately possible. Games will still be hosted seperately from websites though, so you don't have to worry about them taking up any of your space still. Many of you remember our last server transfer, and how horrible it went, taking a week for the site to come back online. Hopefully this will not be the case. We will be moving to the same servers that TKZ moved to recently, and it was down for merely a day, most of which was Vampz trying to move TKZ enormous databases. MS' databases are quite a bit smaller, and thus, shouldn't take as long to move.