Having the oportunity to host your site is payment enough! Very Happy . But I'm not going to turn you down. That would be incredible! The shack will be implemented more into MS with the new PHP site. TKGR isn't part of Mystic Software. We just host the site for Martin as an affiliate (he just recently returned to the community, if you hadn't noticed Wink ). Mystic Software has it's own reviews section in the Library. Good to see you around by the way. I here you've been busy. Are you still offering your services for tiles? Also, if you need any more hosting space, feel free to ask. I've got no problem exchanging favors B) .
Well it's been busy, yes... but I still take tileset orders... you just have to expect me to do it slowly... there's a section on GameStudio 43 that has all the info you need to order tiles from me... if you are interested.
As for hosting space... ha, I don't even know how much of 10 MB I have used up so far... I haven't been updating my site enough, so I think I will be ok for a while.
And the tutorials... I kind of offered it without giving it much thoughts. So I wonder if I should get a poll on what people would like me to write about... I have one or two ideas, but overall I'm pretty clueless on what I should write about.