General Discussion / (no subject)
« on: August 23, 2004, 10:07:39 AM »
Sounds good, if you ask me. Nothing more to add.
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YOU'RE FROM SWEDEN?!!!? OH MY GOD!!! Laughing*Bites head of trigunasha* You didn't know!?! That's about one of the first things i say when i introduce myself Sad.
yeah well you wouldnt get it here in england either. there something very lacking here. we get absolutely nothing youguys in america get. its all like "what the hell is Kenshin?" and "oh, that game looks good, lets wait 7 years til it comes out over here!" Laughing*At least* you can order anime stuff for a reasonable price Sad...
wouldnt change it for the world though :rolleyes:
Razz and we dont all drink tea and live in posh houses Smile
come to think of it, the only think close to anime we get in the form of a magazine is Pokemon and the ever irritating Beyblade... damn i hate beyblade! i mean, these guys travel round the world battling spinning tops? what are theygonna do then they get older? do they have beyblader pentions?
ok, that was a lil off the subject, but these things happen!
Oh and that bull that most sites give you about 24 hours... heh that's crap. You could have it on there for an hour and it's still breaking the law.That's why less and less insist on putting that in their disclaimer (if they have one), they usually put up an inhuman age limit...
Twenty to One, it's going to contain a laser sword....One of the most powerful swords in the game (not the powerfulest, but one of)...