//Arg... I know i'm kind of breaking the rules here by posting three times a day... but this is way too exciting to just leave off!\\
The mace made a hollow "clunk" when it hit Horus, electricity zapping through him. Although it dealt him no serious damage, he definately felt it. Even though he did not use electricity as his main power source, he was designed to feel it when he came in contact with it. In other words, Horus + Electricity = Pissed-off Horus.
The cannon continued humming, hightening in pitch. Horus swung his mace just in front of Duilin, not hitting him. He continued spinning around his own axis due to the maul's momentum, gaining speed. As he reached a certain speed level, he jumped up, whipping his speeding maul right at... Rink! //he's hiding nearby, right?\\
Still spinning in the air, Horus fell back down, aiming his fist at Duilin's face.
--- --- ---
Ein walked through the street, rarely seeing any citizens. He walked up to a passing one, hoping to ask him some questions. Since he did not know how the greetings worked in this strange place, he just let the person do the talking. It turned out to be a rather nice looking young woman.
-"The Lord prevails, friend", she spoke, as Ein advanced towards her.
-"The Lord prevails. Listen, I'm from a different part of... er... this place, could you show me around?"
The lady was somewhat confused.
-"But this is the capital. Surely you've been here before. We must all pay tribute to the public executions that take place here." Her face visibly darkened when she uttered the last sentence.
-"Oh... right, I meant I have never been in this particular part of the capital. However, I was looking for a different place. I wanted to visit a friend... he works at that one place... you know? Where they keep the prisoners?"
The citizen started to suspect something.
-"We do not work, we serve. Who are you? Answer now or I will summon the guardians."
Ein's overly active imagination started buzzing. His parents always told him he was good at acting.... He dropped down to his knees and burst in tears.
-"Oh please, my lady, have mercy! *sob* I am but a cripple! *sniff* A year ago, in a tragic accident, a... brick fell on my head, and knocked me out! *sob* I only awoke yesterday, alas, with much of my memory gone... *sniff* Please forgive this humble cripple... *sob* Shall you call the guardians?"
The girl was visibly moved and convinced. She smiled.
-"On the contrary. Please, what is it you wanted to know again?"
-"Where do they keep *sob* the prisoners... My friend who serves there is said to have taken over my home... I *sniff* wish to reclaim it from him..."
-"All of the prisonyards are kept in Undecimus, the main military center. It is right down this road, over the bridge. However, I am not permitted to talk to strangers for this long. I must go. My name is Amaya, if you wish to find me again, speak to the allocation officers."
-"Thank you, milady. Good day and thank you."
As she walked off, Ein could not help but feel guilty for lying to such a good person. Whoever attacked them at the Continent was obviously not the consensus of the main population of this place... Apparently nice people exist in countries ruled by Necromancy.
"After handing the scientists the gravity orbs, I retired to the Council chamber. Therce, amongst the usual members, Arlin was present. I sat at my throne, overlooking the room.
-"Well, gentlemen... I want a full report from you on what happened while I was gone. I want to go into details when it comes to the part where you were "attacked"."