Okay, so far, I know we've got these things covered (if not, I know we can make them quickly and easily from here on out):
- Step One making "FoR" -
Menu System
Character Sprites
Music (working on my own)
Board Tiles (working on my own)
Here are some things we still need to work on, or at least I think we should after we know we're finished with the previous set:
Step Two making "FoR"
Scripting the story from the "FoR"
Spells and abilities
Status effects
NPC Dialogue (should come easily enough)
Factions, Guilds, and Empires
Starting quests
Main quest
Alright, that covers the first two steps of making the game, or at least the ones I want to get out of the way. I think step two might want to be split into two sepparate steps. Anyways, this isn't all "Do this first, then do this." I'm not about to order people around, this is a team project. I just wanted to set some prioraties straight. Please, if you have any comments or ideas, share them STAT.